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Serious Question

Posted: September 17th, 2010, 5:25 pm
by Travis
So ever since my back started acting up I haven't been able to ride the cr5. I have had her sitting in the garage for 2 yrs without riding it once. I have started it a couple times and paid for it for a couple days after. I hate to get rid of it but after getting news from the doc who says it may not get any better and that it is hereditary the reason my back hurts. I can get a drz 250 that has electric start and I was thinking about selling the cr and picking it up.

Any body have any experience with the drz (2002)? What do I need to know?

Or should I just sell and stop kidding myself about riding anymore?

Or continue as is and keep going to the garage to drool about how I could ride the ole girl in the past in hopes of getting better?

Oh, the back thing is ankylosing spondylitis... My immune system is causing inflammation and that is trying to make by spinal bones fuse together. They can only give me anti-inflammatory drugs and a immune suppressant drug to try to stop it. Any experience with this? My grandfather had the same thing and wasn't able to stand straight from the time he was 28. Always bent over looking.

Pic of the bike... Some silly metal malitia stickers but other than that what do you think? Honesty here. I think I can take it. lol


I hope I don't get banned for this.

Posted: September 17th, 2010, 6:53 pm
by plynn41
Dude, there's no shame in it. Get the zook if you like it. I guarantee you I'd rather ride an electric start fun bike than not be able to ride at all. This is coming from someone who has broken his neck, and practically everything else. I see the day coming when I may not be able to saddle up and start an mx bike--I'll find another two wheel ride that I can if that day comes.

Posted: September 17th, 2010, 8:41 pm
by MojoScojo
I take it the kick starting is what is bothering your back?

KTM 300 2 stroke with the electric start.

or are you just looking for something cushier?

Posted: September 17th, 2010, 9:45 pm
by caseyracing222
Its similar to the TTR250 lots of low end torque but no topend and cant climb hills very well, its a very mild trail bike

Posted: September 17th, 2010, 10:53 pm
by NightBiker07
A few thoughts:
First off, if simply kick starting the bike makes problems, how is riding going to make it feel?

Now, onto solutions.
Would doing excercizes and stretches help?

Find a doctor that practices a treatment called "ortho bionomy". They may be able to straighten you out. My dad used to see a chiropractor for an injury he sustained on the job. Hit hard in the head, compressed his spine, caused a LOT of problems.
Then the chiro blew 3 discs out of his back, mind you he was having a hard time walking before. After the chiro visit, he could barely walk at all. Then he met a retired doctor, and he worked on my dad once a week.
The treatment techniques he uses are extremely off the wall, but they WORK. He doesn't crunch you around. I've been to him twice. It turns out that what can be making a shoulder hurt, the root problem could be in the hip.

Back to my point. Regular doctors told my dad that surgury was the only option, and could leave him paralyzed. This doctor said "horseshit they don't know nothing". So week after week dad went to see him, and every week he slowly got better. He could walk great again, had mobility back, and was feeling better than he had since even before the incident with the chiropractor. After a year or so, what do you know, his discs are staying in place from week to week. (two blown backward, one blown inward as indicated by the x-ray. 3 minutes after this doctor touched dad's back, he told dad that's what was wrong without ever being informed about the xrays)

All was going great until he had a nasty fall and put himself back a year in treatment.

Point of all this is that what is causing the pain might be something unrelated....go seek out one of these doctors that practice "ortho bionomy" and give it a whirl. The practice is common in florida, hasn't "oficially" worked its way to ohio yet.

Posted: September 18th, 2010, 6:02 am
by Travis
NightBiker07 wrote:A few thoughts:
First off, if simply kick starting the bike makes problems, how is riding going to make it feel?

I don't know, that worries me a little. I thought I may try it and see. What could I unload the thing for if riding in general gives me issues?

Now, onto solutions.
Would doing excercizes and stretches help?

Not sure. Can't stretch much though. Tying my shoes has become an issue since I could ride last. I can start and ride the banshee though without much issue. I don't have to worry about crashing while kicking it either though. I am pretty stretched out on the 500 when kicking.

Find a doctor that practices a treatment called "ortho bionomy". They may be able to straighten you out. My dad used to see a chiropractor for an injury he sustained on the job. Hit hard in the head, compressed his spine, caused a LOT of problems.
Then the chiro blew 3 discs out of his back, mind you he was having a hard time walking before. After the chiro visit, he could barely walk at all. Then he met a retired doctor, and he worked on my dad once a week.
The treatment techniques he uses are extremely off the wall, but they WORK. He doesn't crunch you around. I've been to him twice. It turns out that what can be making a shoulder hurt, the root problem could be in the hip.

All this started with a compressed disc that I got in a drunken stupor, where I didn't know I was hurt for a couple days. I sat in an old plastic patio chair that broke and dropped me straight on my ass. Went to the chiropractor and got minimal relief. After that and 3 mri's later and then blood tests it looks like they may have it figured out.

Back to my point. Regular doctors told my dad that surgury was the only option, and could leave him paralyzed. This doctor said "horseshit they don't know nothing". So week after week dad went to see him, and every week he slowly got better. He could walk great again, had mobility back, and was feeling better than he had since even before the incident with the chiropractor. After a year or so, what do you know, his discs are staying in place from week to week. (two blown backward, one blown inward as indicated by the x-ray. 3 minutes after this doctor touched dad's back, he told dad that's what was wrong without ever being informed about the xrays)

All was going great until he had a nasty fall and put himself back a year in treatment.

Point of all this is that what is causing the pain might be something unrelated....go seek out one of these doctors that practice "ortho bionomy" and give it a whirl. The practice is common in florida, hasn't "oficially" worked its way to ohio yet.

I would try it if I can find one. Florida is a pretty long haul though.

Posted: September 18th, 2010, 6:06 am
by Travis
caseyracing222 wrote:Its similar to the TTR250 lots of low end torque but no topend and cant climb hills very well, its a very mild trail bike
Thats not good. There are nothing but hills around here. Mild may be what I need but I don't have a lot of fun with mild. lol

Posted: September 18th, 2010, 6:33 am
by Travis
MojoScojo wrote:I take it the kick starting is what is bothering your back?

KTM 300 2 stroke with the electric start.

or are you just looking for something cushier?
Yeah, starting it is a pain. I would love to be able to afford the new 300 xc-w. Something cushier is probably what I need but riding the 500 is like sitting on the sofa until you throttle it or get into some cornering...

Posted: September 18th, 2010, 6:57 am
by Travis
Found a video...

[youtube] ... r_embedded[/youtube]

Posted: September 18th, 2010, 7:00 am
by Travis
So he is really wanting to trade that bike to my cr5 and give me a ps3 and 3 games. Are these things worth trying to ride or should I stay away from it? Or just trade and sell for something else?

Posted: September 18th, 2010, 7:56 am
by MojoScojo
Nothing wrong with the DRZ's, but coming off of a 500, you're not going to like it.

It's a very different style of riding.

If it means you get to keep riding, and you ride mostly to be out in the woods, not so much for the adrenaline, it's probably totally worth it.


Posted: September 18th, 2010, 8:13 am
by Travis
Yeah, my fear is that it will feel really lazy. That is the best way I can describe it. The xr 400 I had felt lazy to me so I am sure it will too. If I weigh in at 240 would this thing even carry me around? lol

Posted: September 18th, 2010, 8:22 am
by MojoScojo
Travis wrote:If I weigh in at 240 would this thing even carry me around? lol
Yeah. No problem. Its all about the rider. I can still do most things on my wife's KX100 that I can on the big bikes. It's just a serious change of attitude. A 250 thumper is going to have no lack of torque.

Travis wrote:Yeah, my fear is that it will feel really lazy. That is the best way I can describe it. The xr 400 I had felt lazy to me so I am sure it will too.

Posted: September 18th, 2010, 8:25 am
by NightBiker07
Yes, Florida is a long haul. im not saying go there for treatment, just that is where it started, and it is slowly spreading. there IS a local doctor that does similar treatment as the guy my dad goes and stees, but it isnt quite the same, although it is MUCH better than a chiropractor. chiropractors only are temporary relief, the practice wont ever "fix" you like Ortho Bionomy will.

my uncle has shoulder/neck pain really bad. the rot cause of the problem? according to doctors/surgeons he needs neck surgery. according to dad's guy, its his hip dislocating and throwing his back crooked. his hip doesnt hurt him, but when the doctor works on ONLY his hip/lower back, his neck and shoulder pain goes away tell me who you believe at this point...him or the surgeons..... ;)

point was that you shouldnt have too much difficulty learning about the treatment, and hopefully there is someone local that is practicing it.

but you saying it started when you fell straight on your ass leads me to believe its an injury, not a pre-existing condition......

Posted: September 18th, 2010, 8:46 am
by Travis
I guess I may swap him. It is 13 years newer than my bike... I can give it a go and if it isn't up to par or I can't get out and ride anymore then I will just sell it. Hate to lose the 5 though. But what good does it do me collecting dust?

Posted: September 18th, 2010, 8:51 am
wife and i listen to this doc on the radio , figure out how to go see him whitaker wellness clinic or something like that , plus lots of docs talking about how sugar causes lot of inflamation ,and screws with the immune system, check it out you got nothing to lose everthing to gain

Posted: September 18th, 2010, 12:22 pm
by Travis
Well it may be a done deal. He is buying a new battery and said that the 500 has been his dream bike. I may send him on here if he seems cool. Said he had never had one. Hope he doesn't get hurt. I will let you guys know something if and when we trade. Maybe I can get back in the woods.

Posted: September 18th, 2010, 2:00 pm
by britincali
I had a DR350 for a year or so and well.... it was um......

(trying to put this nicely)


Really heavy, squishy wallowy suspension, horrible starter, even worse to start when you dropped it, shit down low power, revved its balls off with no power up top, really heavy, garbage gear selector design that would eventually lock in gear and ruin cases, weird 3 piece swingarm.

Only good thing was it sipped gas and you could ride for 4-5 years on the 3 gal tank. Did I mention it was heavy?

I bought the bike as a starter wir the wife and in all honesty was the worse bike I could have picked for her, my YZ490 was easier to start.

Posted: September 18th, 2010, 5:29 pm
by NightBiker07
Well, if the 250 isn't enough and riding doesn't hurt too bad, you could get a crf450x with the e-start, set the suspension up to be nice and soft, and you could still put a smile on your face. Or like someone else mentioned, the KTM300xc

Posted: September 18th, 2010, 5:58 pm
by Travis
Well, I think it will get me back in the woods for now. We'll see how the back handles riding again then I can do something from there if need be. I think maybe the wife would ride it too if I can get back out there and upgrade. That 300xc would be amazing but I wouldn't complain about the 450 with the light and such. lol

Posted: September 18th, 2010, 8:45 pm
by sugarshane
DO NOT sell the 500! you will hate the loss of power! I have the same condition, and trust me, i know how much it fuckin sucks! It is the entire reason that I am now a fitness junkie! I got it when I was 20 and have been dealing with it for almost 10 years now. I will tell you this though, the more active I stay, the less it hurts. I typically workout 5 or 6 days a week and it is the best thing that I have found to help. I have been on about 6 meds for it and now stick with sulfasalizine. I got uvitis a couple times in a row and that is how they finally figured out what exactly I had. the inflamation got so bad the last time that it spread to my eyes and the pressure started to detach my retinas. so needless to say I had to stay out of the gym for quite some time and everyday it felt like i got beat with baseball bats, it got to the point that I could only sleep for a couple hours before waking up to the pain and being stiff as a board. So I started to experiment with workout schedules and found that the more I maintained muscle conditioning, the better I felt. I was in the military and was a 180 lbs and lean (prob 10% bodyfat) and have gotten to 230 lbs at 12-13% (still lean) on a 5'9" frame. both sides of the spectrum and everywhere in between I feel great and can do whatever the hell I want comfortably. when I don't work out it can get so bad I can barely put socks on. so.... exercise man! even cleaning up my diet helped. mainly with energy but it also gave me the nutrients to fuel my muscles properly to keep them in shape. the only thing that really bothers me now is kicking them over! I went riding Labor day weekend and rode for 3 days and could barely walk by sun cuz my right knee was so effing stiff and none of my 4 stroke quad riding buddies can start it so i had to do it if i wanted to ride. I have been contemplating an e-start bike to help but I just cant part with the 500's power. I just had my buddies pull me every time we went to ride on sunday. so with all of the rambling, try exercising routinely before giving up the bike. if i do get an e-start bike, you can bet your ass i will still own a 500. if you need any more help with this, pm me. otherwise good luck dude.

Posted: September 19th, 2010, 6:17 am
by Travis
Thanks for the info. I will agree that the more I am active the less it bothers me. The part that gets me is the more active I get the more I want to sit around. lol They are thinking about trying humira to see if that helps me. I have been taking naproxen but it is eating my stomach and I am having to slow down with that.

Posted: September 19th, 2010, 1:31 pm
by NightBiker07
fab iup a system so you can start the 500 with a 24volt drill, and keep the drill in a backpack :D

Posted: September 19th, 2010, 4:58 pm
by Travis
NightBiker07 wrote:fab iup a system so you can start the 500 with a 24volt drill, and keep the drill in a backpack :D
I had put a lot of thought into that but looks like that is out of reach. If I am capable of riding still I think I may get another 500 but the AF instead of the steelie. May do the conversion myself as it appears to be pretty straight forward with all the info we have sitting in the site, When I get in a little better shape any way and have roosty make me a decomp to save the back a little.

Posted: September 19th, 2010, 7:34 pm
by NightBiker07
Travis wrote:
NightBiker07 wrote:fab iup a system so you can start the 500 with a 24volt drill, and keep the drill in a backpack :D
I had put a lot of thought into that but looks like that is out of reach. If I am capable of riding still I think I may get another 500 but the AF instead of the steelie. May do the conversion myself as it appears to be pretty straight forward with all the info we have sitting in the site, When I get in a little better shape any way and have roosty make me a decomp to save the back a little.
i dont think it would be that hard. modify it so it engages when you push IN on the shaft instead of the rotate to engage system, because obviously the rotate to engage wont work when you spin the kicker shaft 360 degrees. so, put drill on shaft, push in, hold the decomp open, get it spinning, close the decomp, then BAM she fires.