2strokes4ever wrote:Hey dude, i just ordered a 2010 banshee, was thinking of putting fmf gnarly and shorty with vforce reeds. Any help would be appriciated, what works with these beasts ??????
As for the banshee advice, I have never really studied the mater much, for my YZ I read every post under the sun, created spread sheets calculating compression ratios / squish band percentages, played with a multitude of fuels, tried various tires pipes, carbs, installed a data acquisition unit etc.
Losing a little weight was what got me the best return!
Back to the banshee, I think it really depends on where and how you ride. I am sure the boys over at bansheehq would help you out.
My best advice would be skip the billet and bling, keep it stock looking, you know a sleeper. Nothing is better than lining up next to a really pretty bike at the sand dunes and then smoking him with a stock looking bike. It really makes me smile. My banshee eats billet for breakfast!
I bought my banshee from a friend, he had a local guy who I have since become good friends with do all the mods.
It has:
stock carbs bored, that way you can say “it even has stock carbs”
Timing advanced 7 deg.
V Force (emblem removed to keep it stealty)
Head mod, not sure if just milled to set the squish (my guess would be .035 or to .040) or if he alters the combustion chamber as well.
Lightened flywheel
Some porting
Shearer pipes seem to be the way to go.
Uping the HP makes for shifting problems
Shift star mod / clutch pusher bearing seem to be a must.
He also milled the case to replace a bushing with a bearing in the gear box.
Ever other clutch spring stiffer
I am a little confused by some of what I would consider tuning conflicts. Like timing advance, which is supposed to be for low end torque, and a lightened flywheel which is generally considered a top end mod. All I can say is as a package it seems to perform well.
Avoid BS items like Boost Bottles, and unneeded items like billet clutch basket.
I have often wondered what cutting stock pipes apart, removing the screen / insulation that totally kills the oh so important soundwave bounce back, and welding the pipes back together again. I am sure they would not be ideal, but it would sure make for a good sleeper.
The guy who set my bike up sells alot of those items on ebay, username rattdogg. Most parts ship in a small flat rate box which is about $15 international. I sell a few of his parts on my ebay (maddog1927), but I did that just to learn how to ebay and to add a little traffic as I was cleaning out the garage ebay style. Seious I would go to his house and he had hundreds of billet items sitting in his garage. I always asked, "Dude why do you not ebay?" He kept saying he did not know how and I should learn and teach him. Anyway if you buy, buy from him, It saves me the trouble of boxing up and going to the post office!