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Elbow Pain

Posted: March 26th, 2010, 9:58 pm
by NightBiker07
Heres the story. last weekend, i woke up saturday morning and my elbow was sore. feels like "tennis elbow" like i was throwing a baseball all night.

the problem is, it hasnt gotten remotely better, and may have been getting worse, cant really tell, its just limiting what i can do. i cant do anything if it involves my right arm, hell, i can hardly turn a rachet without it hurting substantially.

I havent been using my arm much, definitely not exerting myself. I didnt do anything thurs. or fri. prior to aggrevate the condition.

Any ideas on what may have happened?

just to narrow it down, doctor is out of the equation unless it REALLY escalates. and it wasnt caused by Pam Handerson.

Posted: March 26th, 2010, 10:26 pm
by JBaze
It's called Tendinitous. Not fun stuff. I have it too. You all good and you move a certain way or what ever and BLAM! There you go

Posted: March 26th, 2010, 10:36 pm
by NightBiker07
JBaze wrote:It's called Tendinitous. Not fun stuff. I have it too. You all good and you move a certain way or what ever and BLAM! There you go
Ive never had this before though, and it definitely isnt only if i move one way, its every movement all the time.

i thought tendonitis was when you injure yourself, and it recurs with certain movements?


Posted: March 26th, 2010, 10:38 pm
by JBaze
Could try Jack too! LOL I was all good and went to jump and pulled a little with my fukin arm and couldnt move the fuker for 2 weeks!

Posted: March 26th, 2010, 10:55 pm
by NightBiker07
JBaze wrote:Could try Jack too! LOL I was all good and went to jump and pulled a little with my fukin arm and couldnt move the fuker for 2 weeks!
man, im not looking forward to those days.......but im gonna have a blast getting there!

i tried drinkin last weekend,,,,i stayed in bed all day sunday as a result....half a bottle of jager doesnt sit well on not eating lunch or dinner.

Posted: March 26th, 2010, 10:57 pm
by JBaze
1/2 Bottle? Son, you got a ways to go!

Posted: March 26th, 2010, 11:48 pm
by NightBiker07
JBaze wrote:1/2 Bottle? Son, you got a ways to go!
in about an hour........jagerbombs....MMMMMM

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 7:52 am
by Crow500
Tendonitis can be caused by moving the wrong way and causing a relatively minor injury to the tendon, but tendons frequently run through a sheath like a clutch cable. The minor injury causes inflammation which limits the extra space for movement within the sheath, thereby causing more inflammation. Having a doctor use underwater ultrasound would work wonders. We use it in my office frequently and get great results, I have used it on myself in the past and experienced the results first hand. Also, using an ice, heat, ice cycle can help. Turn a heating pad on high to warm up then, get and ice pack or bag of cubes and put it on your elbow with a thin layer of material in between (about t-shirt thickness) for 15-20 minutes, immediately put the heat on for 15-20 minutes also with thin layer in between, then switch back to fresh ice pack or cubes for 15-20 minutes. This temp. cycle will cause extra blood flow through all the tissues to help relax things and help flush out the inflammation. Make sure you don't fall asleep on the ice (possible frostbite) or the heat (possible burns). Hope this helps you. Dr. Hoon

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 7:59 am
by JBaze
Will it go away ever or are you stuck with it?

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 9:10 am
by AlisoBob
Dr. Bob suggests polishing your rocket, with your other arm for a while....


Re: Elbow Pain

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 9:19 am
by CR500R7
NightBiker07 wrote:It wasnt caused by Pam Handerson.

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 9:24 am
by NightBiker07
JBaze wrote:Will it go away ever or are you stuck with it?
I dunno, its never been a problem before, im hoping that it doesnt become a recurring problem.

AlisoBob wrote:Dr. Bob suggests polishing your rocket, with your other arm for a while....

I knew that was coming! :lol: :lol:

Crow500 wrote:Tendonitis can be caused by moving the wrong way and causing a relatively minor injury to the tendon, but tendons frequently run through a sheath like a clutch cable. The minor injury causes inflammation which limits the extra space for movement within the sheath, thereby causing more inflammation. Having a doctor use underwater ultrasound would work wonders. We use it in my office frequently and get great results, I have used it on myself in the past and experienced the results first hand. Also, using an ice, heat, ice cycle can help. Turn a heating pad on high to warm up then, get and ice pack or bag of cubes and put it on your elbow with a thin layer of material in between (about t-shirt thickness) for 15-20 minutes, immediately put the heat on for 15-20 minutes also with thin layer in between, then switch back to fresh ice pack or cubes for 15-20 minutes. This temp. cycle will cause extra blood flow through all the tissues to help relax things and help flush out the inflammation. Make sure you don't fall asleep on the ice (possible frostbite) or the heat (possible burns). Hope this helps you. Dr. Hoon
I will try that, Thanks!

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 6:31 pm
by jeffatc250r
I had that off and on for almost a year when I was younger. It sucks. Eventually I went to the doc and he sent me home with some sorta anti-inflam. Cant remember the name of it but it was gone in a week after taking them and has not been back in 11 years.

Might not be a bad idea to bite the bullet and visit the guy in the white coat.

Posted: March 28th, 2010, 12:13 pm
by Crow500
JBaze wrote:Will it go away ever or are you stuck with it?
Some of the time it will go away on its own, but sometimes there is an underlying cause such as muscle imbalance caused by overworking of a certain muscle or by peripheral spinal nerve issues causing an over- or underactive muscle; or a joint misalignment affecting the muscles, tendons, or local nerves directly. Utilizing the ice/heat/ice cycle and massaging the muscle above and below the joint as well as resting the joint most times will do the trick, but sometimes a good anti-inflammatory will knock it down quicker. With the continued inflammation of the tendon, it causes a recurring cycle of inflammation; a pharmaceutical can take away the inflammation and allow the healing to take place quicker.

So there are a few options of action to take. I have electro-stim, ultrasound, and peripheral nerve facilitation equipment at the office. Its good stuff.

Posted: March 28th, 2010, 12:54 pm
by JBaze
Thanks for the info man! :cool:

Posted: March 28th, 2010, 1:00 pm
by Crow500
JBaze wrote:Thanks for the info man! :cool:
No problem, its just what I do. I think I told your wife (Mama?) that my wife's family is from Moses Lake and her uncle and brother's family still live there.

Posted: March 28th, 2010, 1:26 pm
by JBaze
Yeah thats right. If you get up here, hit me up go out to the dunes or something

Posted: March 28th, 2010, 11:31 pm
by NightBiker07
Well, it is a bit odd now. it will stay sore indefinitely, but if i take anything be it motrin or otherwise, it goes away indefinitely.

meaning, friday night i took a perc, and it stopped hurting. i went all day saturday, no pain. woke up sunday, all good as well. went out to the garage to get the streetbike motor buttoned up, half hour later, BOOM sore as shit again. couple motrin this time (percs fuckin make me loopy) and it had the same effect on the arm as the percs did. as soon as they kicked in, the pain was GONE, and has stayed gone all day. it almost seems like when i use my muscles to do anything requiring more than a pound of force repeatedly, there is something inside that gets iritated, swells, and makes it sore.

ive got a funny feeling that in auto-tech class tomorrow i'm gonna fuck it up again.....ill try to sit on the sidelines, but it sucks, semester has 4-5 more weeks, and ive gotta get my task sheet done. wierd thing is, working at what i'd call a lethargic, slow pace, i have by far the most tasks done, even though i watch everyone else bust their asses.

Posted: March 29th, 2010, 8:45 am
by Crow500
JBaze wrote:Yeah thats right. If you get up here, hit me up go out to the dunes or something
Will do.

NightBiker, where is your pain at exactly? In the elbow, in your forearm, above your elbow, . . . ? I have seen problems in the cervical spine (neck) cause problems in the elbow and shoulder issues cause problems in the elbow too.

Posted: March 29th, 2010, 8:58 am
by NightBiker07
Crow500 wrote:
JBaze wrote:Yeah thats right. If you get up here, hit me up go out to the dunes or something
Will do.

NightBiker, where is your pain at exactly? In the elbow, in your forearm, above your elbow, . . . ? I have seen problems in the cervical spine (neck) cause problems in the elbow and shoulder issues cause problems in the elbow too.
depends on how bad it is hurting, but when it is really thumping, a couple inches above my elbow and all the muscles in my forearm get screaming.

Posted: March 29th, 2010, 2:42 pm
by Crow500
Without a hands on evaluation, to me it sounds like mostly the triceps tendon being the involved one. As said before, it can come from an issue with the tendon itself, or a strain somewhere in the muscle that it originates from. With this tendon being fired up it is affecting the elbow joint itself, which is then affecting the muscle downstream in the forearm. The ice/heat/ice cycle can help, but getting some muscle work done with some electro-stim and ultrasound, and some massage work would be beneficial too. After an exam, you could find out if it is the muscle causing the problem or if the elbow joint is the generator. Frequently the hook on the end of the ulna (the bone on the pinky finger side of your forearm) will not be seated right on the humerus (upper arm bone) or the radius (thumb side forearm bone) will noted be lined up with the joint surface on the humerus. This is not too difficult to adjust if you know what you are doing. Where are you located?