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Whip It

Posted: January 25th, 2010, 9:58 pm
by NightBiker07
My goal this summer is to whip my bike. I dont think i will have a problem getting the bike sideways, but rather getting it back straight is what i am more focused on.

i have googled and youtubed it to death, and am looking for any advice, tips etc. that you guys might have to offer.

Posted: January 26th, 2010, 6:34 am
by Roostius_Maximus
i'll ask the cuz, he's nuts. here he is riding the track on my driveway back on a 250f, says a 450 is easier ... re=related

Posted: January 26th, 2010, 7:08 am
by hoofarted
If I understand it correctly, the bike will return back to a straight path relatively easily. My 16YO does it on his 250 off jumps not nearly big enough with moderate success....he hasn't crashed yet.

Posted: January 26th, 2010, 8:04 am
by AlisoBob

Posted: January 26th, 2010, 9:11 am
by quantum500
It is exactly the same as drifting through a corner. So off the face of the jump you want to break the rear loose and it will follow an arc and come back straight. I've actually done a double whip kind of like a fish tail. You can land really crooked and still pull it off. In this situation a good panic rev landing is a must. If you really get it figured out its one of the best feelings in the world.

Posted: January 26th, 2010, 3:28 pm
Quantum I'm not a Pro or anything, but I can't comprehend your comment at all, or atleast I don't agree with it...

Nightbiker, I've been competeing for 18 years and I couldn't pretend to tell anybody how to whip a bike until late last year. In the B class you can't rest on your loins, confident that clearing all the obstacles is going to place you up front...because EVERYBODY clears them! So this is what I've learned...and like I said, it just kinda came to me with practice, persuaded by competition:

1) Grabbing the bike with my legs (like painstaking efforts to squeeze the bike with my knees), I shift my weight to my right foot peg (I whip to the left everytime...don't ask, it's old habbit at this point).
2) On the jump face I'm leaning the bike over, steadily further and further as I prepare for launch. If you think this sounds like I scrub you'd be correct...that's as best I can describe it so far. But make no mistake, it's NOT a bubba scrub :lol:
3) Apon liftoff (and really at times before my front tire is even off the ground) I crank the bars to the right and simoultaneously force down on the right peg. And really, what I've come to notice as of late, at this point my left boot is usually not even on the peg so the left side of the bike is totally unloaded. which point I can dial just how much whip I want...

To land I stand up, weight my left footpeg, point the bars in the direction of travel, grab a handfull of throttle and brace for impact.

But most importantly, I don't think you can take "whip" lessons like math homework. Even when I figured it out, I learned that jump faces are like snowflakes, and all of them take just a bit different body english to be successfull. And the whole bike coming back on it's own thing? I beleive it to be crank speed related. At high speeds it does have a tendancy to straighten out. But at lower speeds (ie. doubles, small rythm sections etc.) the bike makes no effort to do so. And I have to a large degree not decided if straightening the bike out for these is neccessary or beneficial. But as mentioned above, point the bars in the right direction, apply copius amounts of throttle and the rest of the bike will I've noticed :lol:

Apologize for not having any instructional videos...I'm lucky to get a picture taken of me in gear :roll:

Oh and let me not's exhuasting! NOT energy efficient. I consider it a tool, worth saving energy for to make a pass stick. Whipping every obstacle will tire you the fug out!! Why during practice Mick has all kinds of sexy whips...then ten minutes later I'm back on the tailgate pounding Gatorade and panting like a St. Bernard.

Posted: January 26th, 2010, 8:24 pm
by quantum500
MICK wrote:Quantum I'm not a Pro or anything, but I can't comprehend your comment at all, or atleast I don't agree with it...
You may not agree with me it but its just a different way of looking at the same thing. Think about the mechanics of it. Try what you are talking about on a smooth consistent surface. Its not exactly the same as a whip but the similarity out way the difference.

Posted: January 26th, 2010, 8:40 pm
quantum500 wrote:You may not agree with me it but its just a different way of looking at the same thing. Think about the mechanics of it. Try what you are talking about on a smooth consistent surface. Its not exactly the same as a whip but the similarity out way the difference.
:lol: I'm trying...I thought about it alot longer than I probably should have!

Guess the thing is I use the throttle for 90% of drifting and 10% body position.

My whips are 99% body english 1% thinking about what I'm going to eat for dinner.

I atleast would certainly eat shit and die if I tried to break the rear loose on the face of Stairway to Heaven @ Monster Mountain. I find it very critical actually that the back end stay hooked up like a mo fo...

But if it works for you it works...rock it. You ain't seeing this guy doing any double whips or fish tails so I'm not the one to judge :wink: