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sweet day of riding!

Posted: December 19th, 2009, 5:24 pm
by dannygraves
So, we met up with some of Justins new friends who are pro desert racers. the one leading the pack won 2nd place "best in the desert" :shock:
anyway, I wasn't really feeling it first thing when we got there, I was tired or something, I kept missing turns and kept stalling the bike...
so we get to this pretty crazy hill climb that had some turns and a nice little banked section full of lose rock. The 3 pros made it, Justin made it, then Jason... didn't... I also didn't. Messed up my knee, busted my throttle tube, broke my brake lever and scraped the hell out of my brand new pro moto billet spark arrestor that I just installed last night :roll: anyway, after struggling to get off the hill, and watching Justin struggle some more (with better results) to get my bike off the hill, I was going to head back to the truck. So Justin who is a glutten for punishment heads back up the hill to tell them he was taking me back to the trucks.

While waiting, I kinda thought to myself that I'm not a loser for not making it up the hill, but I'm definitly a loser if I puss out. so while Justin was up there I saif "fuck it" and mobbed that hill. :wink: I really got back into the groove more after than. we hit some hairy ass stuff and I came off the bike a couple more times, but it was a bitchen day of riding!
I later broke a chunk off my side number plate, dented my head pipe worse, scraped the crap out of the right rad shroud and who knows what other damage the bike sustained. looks like I either need to keep the bike noce, or ride it but can't do both :lol: I think I will ride it :wink:

Posted: December 19th, 2009, 7:04 pm
by lewisclan
Ride it , sounds like a great time

Re: sweet day of riding!

Posted: December 19th, 2009, 9:54 pm
by M.F.D.B.
dannygraves wrote: I said "fuck it" and mobbed that hill. :wink:
You make me so proud! :wink:
dannygraves wrote:the one leading the pack won 2nd place "best in the desert"
He also would have had Maran 1st place over 30 if he didnt miss a race do to his trailer popping off his truck half way there!

Posted: December 27th, 2009, 3:06 pm
by FZ1426
Bummer. Sounds like a frustrating and ridiculously expensive day of riding to me...