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anybody here working out and trying to build muscle?

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 10:27 am
by dannygraves
So, the temps have dropped, and I'm getting ready to start back up on my daily runs. Was thinking about trying to build some muscle while I'm at it. Just wondering if anyone has any advise on supplements. I hear a lot of good things about acai berry products, also wondering about certain hemodilators to help with energy and blood flow. Gonna start working on diet today, trade in burgers for chicken burgers w/o mayo :wink:
mostly trying to burn some fat and gain some muscle mass. I don't have to lose any weight, just transform my moobs into pecks :wink:

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 10:40 am
by Hellbear
Screw those supplements. Do it the old fashioned way and use heavy weight with low reps.

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 11:03 am
by AlisoBob
Stop fukin' around, and get on the juice...


Posted: October 9th, 2009, 11:21 am
by dannygraves
LMAO a friend of mine did that, he got really big and really dumb, also started beating up random people at gas stations and such.

I was just talking to a guy I work with today about it, he said he used to use some punch flavored powder you mix w/ water and said it was really good for energy and he said he was rarely really sore after drinking it, but when he skipped it for a couple days, he was sore as hell after his workouts. He said he will tell me what its called tomorrow after he checks the bottle tonight. After that I'm gonna do some research. My biggest issue with getting into shape in a lack of energy. working all day, going home to screaming kids and a lazy wife gets me pretty drained, so when I do have the time to work out and can barely peal myself off the couch.

I'm really sceptical about a lot of these things, especially the online order only stuff, it just kinda worries me that maybe there are legal issues making for sale online only, kinda like tannerite.
I already started the day with a few reps of push up, pull ups and sit up in my server room. the rack ladder works great for the pull ups. I ripped the armpit in my nice shirt though :?

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 11:32 am
by caseyracing222
drink the recomended amout of water a day and skip out on any energy drinks or soda. Also try 4 sets of 10 reps for 5 days on weight you can handle, then go to 5 sets of 5 reps adding a little more weight for another 5 days, until finally getting to 1 set of 8 reps , then 1 set of 6, to 2 sets of 3 reps, then to a MAX adding more weight each time. Repeat cycle every 15 days and you will see progress in muscle and tone, this has worked for me recentley.

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 11:33 am
by AlisoBob
MFDP swears by these.....



Posted: October 9th, 2009, 11:38 am
by dannygraves
LOL, they do say hemodilators have that same effect as a side effect :lol:

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 11:42 am
by dannygraves
caseyracing222 wrote:drink the recomended amout of water a day and skip out on any energy drinks or soda. Also try 4 sets of 10 reps for 5 days on weight you can handle, then go to 5 sets of 5 reps adding a little more weight for another 5 days, until finally getting to 1 set of 8 reps , then 1 set of 6, to 2 sets of 3 reps, then to a MAX adding more weight each time. Repeat cycle every 15 days and you will see progress in muscle and tone, this has worked for me recentley.
thanks man, the #s are confusing me. I've always done 10 reps, but I also hear that going with a weight where you can only handle a few reps helps bulk up. I don't know how much I want to really bulk, I think I mostly want to look cut without looking like a meat head. Like I'd be happy with looking more like pit in fight club. like cut and in shape, but not have trouble finiding clothes that fit.
I'm a pretty slim guy, so I don't know how much bulking up i'll really be able to do. I'm mostly havign an issue with being doughy and out of shape. Working in IT doesn't help either, I spend way too much time sitting at my desk on banned :wink:

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 11:43 am
by xtremeslide
I read somewhere that the diet of a greek warrior was 5 kilos of bread 5 liters of wine and 5 kilos of meat everyday,and the thin gladiators had a diet
based in barley,the knights who fought against the muslims in the crusades
eated three times a week meat,and rocky balboa eated 12 eggs looking for muscle

also Arnold governator,now the opther guys doesn't exist governator

and rocky are fat like my grandma

It's up to you,i did weights for 3 years without protein,whitout shit

in one year o lost 70% of my muscle8i mean the 70% of the muscle i gain in 3 years),i don't left the run

if i could have asteroids or something now i could be a

big ball of fat,by the way with the protein your farts will smell

like a corpse :lol:

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 11:48 am
by dannygraves
yeah, I hear carbs are good for energy and prtein for muscle building fuel. I think I just will cut down on the fat, especially like cheese, mayo and other stuff that doesn't provide much good fuel. but I'm wonderign about red meat. I've watched shows and read up that red meat is bad, but I really wonder, seems like a leaner 90/10 beef would make some good protein.

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 12:04 pm
by xtremeslide
Chicken or turkey are the healthiest thing for build muscle

and have low fat,i mean chiken in the grill not fried

do one hour of weights four or five days a week,no more

work different muscles each day and eat everyday 2 lbs of meat

in three months you'll be like a bull

the secret is in the diet and doing proper the exercises of course

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 12:12 pm
by dannygraves
yeah, it just sucks in america is really hard to get health cheap fast food. Like to eat grilled chicken and veggies for lunch, I'll have to go to a sit down restaurant or bring it to work...
I really like lemon chicken, I might have my wife make up like a whole pack of 5 breasts on sunday and just take one to work everyday. I also think I need to balance out my eating habbits more, like no more skipping breakfast and eating a big lunch.

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 9:55 pm
by hoofarted
dannygraves wrote: I was just talking to a guy I work with today about it, he said he used to use some punch flavored powder you mix w/ water and said it was really good for energy and he said he was rarely really sore after drinking it, but when he skipped it for a couple days, he was sore as hell after his workouts. He said he will tell me what its called tomorrow after he checks the bottle tonight.
in my server room. the rack ladder works great for the pull ups.
Its called Creatine. Works ok for energy - allows u to do more reps longer. Dont know about any negative effects. You're lucky u didnt break the ladder rack yet u retard. :lol:

And I used to always to 3 sets of 10, break, then increase the weight - 1 more set of 5, 10 - or whatever I could stand. All went well until I pulled a stupid muscle in my back. Havent been the same since.

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 10:43 pm
by dannygraves
:lol: I'm grabbing the edge of the ladder, not the rungs :wink:
just came back from a run with the dogs, it didn't go well. I scared the crap out of some pot smoking kids in the park. I guess 2 sprinting pitbulls in the dark are kinda scarry :lol: :lol:
The park is about 1/8 mile from my house and has a loop around 1/2 mile. well, I thought I could sprint the 1/2 mile loop and 1/4 mile there and back... well I was wrong! mostly I was wrong for skipping dinner and running with only a bud light, half a churro and a giant pretzel in me :shock: I got all dizzy and thought I was gonna hurl. I didn't know what to do, but Sara handed me a banana and after a couple bites I felt way better. I guess I should have some proper food in me before pushing myself so hard.

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 11:20 pm
by iggys-amsoil
Take one of these little critters they work great!


Oh wait a minute,.......... your not trying to having great sex with the wife. Never mind. :lol:

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 11:30 pm
by xtremeslide
Danny do you have churros there?


by the way you didn't say which is your aim

i did three years of weights but i was looking for explosive power

and resistence because i ran half marathons,this was my training a normal

day only 5 days a week(weekends irest)

Half an hour of running

One hour of weights 7-8 exercices focused in one or two muscles

6 times each exercice 15-20 three times, middle weight (resistance)

and 4 -5 reps full weight (explosive power)

and one hour running in the afternoon

if you do beetwen 8 and 12 you'll increase your muscles

as i said eating a lot of proteins,carnitne,and other things like

fat burners helps a little bit...

i did this kind of training because i didn't need more weight

muscles are useless when you run ,and in that years i was in the

marines (not US marines) but we did some practice with they

Posted: October 10th, 2009, 1:24 am
by gregrobo
train like a triathlete if you want to ride your bike. heavy weights and low reps will just pump up those fore arms after 3 laps. my first personal trainer was a cyclist and made me train with the tri club and my last one was a bodybuilder had to let him go i put on 5 kilos of muscle mainly arms and legs and couldnt finish a moto

Posted: October 10th, 2009, 4:22 am
by Bean
i use this stuff so that i can gain body weight .
i run all day delivering parcels so what ever i eat gets burned up real quick ... n&skin=bsn
this will be the next step

Posted: October 10th, 2009, 7:06 am
by Roostius_Maximus
Badger Milk :lol:

I've said it before that we eat the beef we feed, they're fed well too, no crap from a box, no powders, no steroids, nothing but a salt lick, pasture land that rotates over 300 acres for the 60 head. Then with these tasty little bastards bro feeds em by hand, grain! They come when called, and each of the 20 we'll butcher in the next 2 months and some in 4 know which shute to go down when luke yells "load up".

Hamburger from the store smells bad, raw or cooked. the whole meat isle at the grocery stores is rank if you know what the meat should smell like. Not just in Canada, but in the US too, when we go to get meat for cook-outs after the races its hard to find something we like. I know alot of guys will go out for supper on a friday or whatever to get thier steak, unless its some place thats goaing to be extra boastful about thier meat, like the keg or of course Texas De Brazil i'd rather get a fish or something.

Posted: October 10th, 2009, 8:03 pm
by CR500R7
Another farmer who knows the difference between meat and shit.

I know exactly what you mean. :wink:

Posted: October 10th, 2009, 8:10 pm
by AlisoBob

I only eat, what I kill

Posted: October 10th, 2009, 8:21 pm
by CR500R7
AlisoBob wrote:Image

I only eat, what I kill

That looks like a F@#Ken giant RAT! :shock:

Posted: October 10th, 2009, 8:21 pm
by dannygraves
Roostius_Maximus wrote:Badger Milk :lol:

I've said it before that we eat the beef we feed, they're fed well too, no crap from a box, no powders, no steroids, nothing but a salt lick, pasture land that rotates over 300 acres for the 60 head. Then with these tasty little bastards bro feeds em by hand, grain! They come when called, and each of the 20 we'll butcher in the next 2 months and some in 4 know which shute to go down when luke yells "load up".

Hamburger from the store smells bad, raw or cooked. the whole meat isle at the grocery stores is rank if you know what the meat should smell like. Not just in Canada, but in the US too, when we go to get meat for cook-outs after the races its hard to find something we like. I know alot of guys will go out for supper on a friday or whatever to get thier steak, unless its some place thats goaing to be extra boastful about thier meat, like the keg or of course Texas De Brazil i'd rather get a fish or something.
you know, I know what you are saying, when I was living in hungary we killed our own meat and what a difference. everything here tastes like crap. half the time I smell ground beef from the store and really think it smells bad. Like it has a tiny bit of that rancid meat smell, similar to the smell of butter that has been left on the counter all day.

Posted: October 10th, 2009, 8:22 pm
by dannygraves
CR500R7 wrote:
AlisoBob wrote:Image

I only eat, what I kill

That looks like a F@#Ken giant RAT! :shock:
you guys don't have squirrels down under?

Posted: October 10th, 2009, 8:27 pm
by CR500R7
No we don't, not as far as I know.

We have a thing called a possum, don't know if you got those over there.