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Obama = Dickhead.....

Posted: September 11th, 2009, 10:57 am
by AlisoBob
The nation marked the eight anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks by honoring the spirit of those who rushed forward to help, from sifting through the fiery rubble at ground zero to sending supplies from thousands of miles away.

Friday was the first time the anniversary was observed as a national day of service, following an order signed this year by President Barack Obama.

"From this day forward, we will safeguard the memories of those who died by rekindling the spirit of service that lit our city with hope and helped keep us strong," said New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said at a ceremony in lower Manhattan.

Spirit of Service... WTF is that!!!! Picking up trash on the beach somehow honors those who died on 9/11?

And what about those who lived, but had their lives ruined forever? I have a buddy who is FDNY, and he says many on the responding firemen have very real respitory problems....

We have billions to bail out banks

We have billions to bail out insurance companies

We have billiions to hand out to fill CEO's pockets of failing companies as "bonus's" for a job well done...

We even have the fukin' Clunker Money program...


We dont have anything for the true hero's of 9/11... other than a day to pick up trash... and call it a tribute to them....


FU Obama

Posted: September 11th, 2009, 11:01 am
by JBaze
Well said. I agree a million percent. This country seems to be going down hill don't it.

Posted: September 11th, 2009, 11:24 am
i agree completely. it pisses me off that stock brokers and CEO's are making millions for screwing this country up, while fire fighters in many places get paid just above the poverty level. most people bitch about the fact that we sit around at work a lot, but how many of them will do what we do when the time comes? none, they're all running the other way.

Posted: September 11th, 2009, 2:18 pm
by dannygraves
You know mike moore is a total tool, but in the movie sicko he talks to some of those fire fighters and paramedics with real health problems who can't get any of the 9/11 money and whos lives are ruined. The shockwaves of 9/11 are still here and still very real! and so lets all go pickup trash?! WTF is that?!

Posted: September 11th, 2009, 3:22 pm
by CR500R7
Well written Bob.
I agree with all you guys, it sucks for sure.

Politians are walking, breathing, talking lumps of BULLSHIT, they are supposed to be helping the people who put them there.

Instead they fill there pockets up and throw money around to support their own EGO TRIP!

A country / society is like a chain, it is only as good as its weakest link.

I can't see any of this getting any better with so many DICKHEADS trying to run the show. ( and I mean world wide )

Posted: September 11th, 2009, 6:41 pm
by iggys-amsoil
I'm still waiting for the engines and landing gear to show up from the Shanksville and Pentagon crashes.

So what became of those people? Whisked off to Area 51? :tinhat:

Posted: September 11th, 2009, 7:41 pm
by NightBiker07
iggys-amsoil wrote:I'm still waiting for the engines and landing gear to show up from the Shanksville and Pentagon crashes.

So what became of those people? Whisked off to Area 51? :tinhat:
didnt you know, that that stuff just disintegrated?

HA bunch of lying cover-up fuckheads

Posted: September 11th, 2009, 11:56 pm
by AlisoBob
iggys-amsoil wrote:So what became of those people?


Burned up Igg..................

Re: Obama = Dickhead.....

Posted: September 12th, 2009, 1:36 am
by thestuz
AlisoBob wrote:The nation marked the eight anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks by honoring the spirit of those who rushed forward to help, from sifting through the fiery rubble at ground zero to sending supplies from thousands of miles away.

Friday was the first time the anniversary was observed as a national day of service, following an order signed this year by President Barack Obama.

"From this day forward, we will safeguard the memories of those who died by rekindling the spirit of service that lit our city with hope and helped keep us strong," said New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said at a ceremony in lower Manhattan.

Spirit of Service... WTF is that!!!! Picking up trash on the beach somehow honors those who died on 9/11?

And what about those who lived, but had their lives ruined forever? I have a buddy who is FDNY, and he says many on the responding firemen have very real respitory problems....

We have billions to bail out banks

We have billions to bail out insurance companies

We have billiions to hand out to fill CEO's pockets of failing companies as "bonus's" for a job well done...

We even have the fukin' Clunker Money program...


We dont have anything for the true hero's of 9/11... other than a day to pick up trash... and call it a tribute to them....


FU Obama
i heard more people died of respiratory illness from the clean up that the 3000 odd that died on the day. that is a fact that they prefer to forget as is a detraction from the patriotism the anniversary creates. i also feel for those who died and those who lost loved ones. george.w. edited and removed 7 pages from the 911 inquirey so they will never know the truth. i hope one day they re-open the 911 inquiry and submit the facts so these families can have answers and closure.

Posted: September 12th, 2009, 1:44 am
by thestuz
NightBiker07 wrote:
iggys-amsoil wrote:I'm still waiting for the engines and landing gear to show up from the Shanksville and Pentagon crashes.

So what became of those people? Whisked off to Area 51? :tinhat:
didnt you know, that that stuff just disintegrated?

HA bunch of lying cover-up fuckheads
you are correct. the coroner never found any bodies or signs of bodies at the shanksville crash site. in his words "after 20 mins of being a corroner, i gave up." if you ever look at the crash site, there is no signs of a plane crashed. just a burnt hole in the ground. the pentagons official explaination was that "the heat was so intense, that all the plane/luggage was vaporised" yet there was human remains to dna test. WHAT KIND OF FIRE CAN VAPOURISE TONES OF METAL, YET LEAVE HUMAN BODY PARTS INTACT? bullshit indeed. i cant believe people didnt catch on.

Posted: September 12th, 2009, 1:55 am
by thestuz

Shanksville crash site.

Posted: September 12th, 2009, 1:55 am
by thestuz

Posted: September 12th, 2009, 2:01 am
by thestuz
AlisoBob wrote:
iggys-amsoil wrote:So what became of those people?

Image *******************A REAL PLANE CRASH************