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mexifornia unemployment rate

Posted: June 19th, 2009, 10:49 am
by 100hp honda
highest unemployment since record keeping began :shock: . heres a idea, deport a few beaners and give those jobs to legitimate citizens. swarzenegar is a real piece of work :? ... 51536.html

Posted: June 19th, 2009, 11:00 am

Posted: June 19th, 2009, 11:07 am
by ~Trever
I'm only working a few days a month. It is so bad I have thought about standing in front of home depot holding a sign that says "hire an american"

Posted: June 25th, 2009, 1:08 pm
by hoofarted
~Trever wrote:I'm only working a few days a month. It is so bad I have thought about standing in front of home depot holding a sign that says "hire an american"
That would be awesome! I wouldn't do that alone..Try to get some news coverage...ya right.

Posted: June 25th, 2009, 1:18 pm
by dannygraves
hopefully the mexicans will start heading home now :wink:

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 5:45 pm
by Mik329
I could nuke Mexico tomorrow and sleep like a baby. I worked my ass off in construction and raced full time in my 20's, before doing a career change to aviation. Nothing pissed me off more than having to run a crew of beaners 10 hours a day. First it was drywall and roofing, then every other trade on the job. I used to keep a sawed off shotgun with rock salt in my truck because the fuckers would never fight fair. You know the saying, beat the shit out of one bean, then fight the whole burrito. Fuck Mexico, I waant to go beat a bean right now just thinking about the old days! I don't see much of those bastards here in Georgia, sure is nice. :twisted:

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 6:10 pm
by arleybeer40
The beans aint going anywhere. Now there taking jobs that are above labor :doh: fuckin rich ass cali's. Matter of fact there might be a few people on here that helped to cause this.

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 6:22 pm
by 100hp honda
if your in AZ and see a illegal bean, i urge you to call the illegal bean tipline. it connects directly with the sheriff office. 602-876-4154 ... ily43.html

Posted: June 29th, 2009, 7:33 am
by dannygraves
I sit right outside the HR office at my work. about 10 minutes ago I heard the HR lady who was handling a re-hire of some beaner say "well, we'll use the same SSN unless that was a fake one and you have a new one to give us" beaner: "HAHA, ya"

Posted: June 29th, 2009, 7:36 am
by dannygraves
we create the problem ourselves, I bet there are atleast 100 hard working and qualified american citizens who would gladly install duct work rather than sit on the couch waiting for their unemployment to run out.
If we stopped hiring them and stopped giving handouts, they wouldn't be here.

Posted: June 29th, 2009, 8:38 am
by 100hp honda
dannygraves wrote:we create the problem ourselves, I bet there are atleast 100 hard working and qualified american citizens who would gladly install duct work rather than sit on the couch waiting for their unemployment to run out.
If we stopped hiring them and stopped giving handouts, they wouldn't be here.

theres millions of american citizens that see it your/my way :cool: . problems is, obama and some other law makers think opposite of us......they dont mind having 22million illegal beans here taking our jobs and soaking up free benefits :x :x :x. also, lets not forget the piece of shit employers that are breaking the law EVERY day by hiring illegal beans. unemployment is pretty much at a all time high, we need to get the "real" americans back to work.

i dont know what the outcome was but ive used this tipline before, i URGE you to call if you know of any company hiring illegals, or if you know where any illegals are residing. one of these days YOU might be out of a job because jose got hired instead of you ! this is your future and your kids future, if we dont stop this bullshit now there will be 50million border invaders here soon !

call sheriff joe arpaio's illegal bean tipline (call from a pay phone if you want and you can remain annonomous), he is at the forefront in fighting the border invader problem.

illegal bean tipline: 602-876-4154 ... ory14.html

Posted: June 29th, 2009, 9:46 am
by hoofarted
Joe needs to run for Governor. I think there needs to be more like him - someone with a spine. Fuck, if it wasnt for all the handouts and greed, CA wouldnt be in the hole its in. :twisted:

Posted: June 29th, 2009, 10:12 pm
by kdizzle
I can appreciate his spine but half the shit sheriff Joe does is for the spectacle and his own media self love. He is just as slimey as the rest of the politicians running this country. I would prefer he sat back and did his job and shut his fat arPIEHOLE rather than doing some publicity stunt to get his name in the news

I do agree that every illiegal needs to get deported however, and i am not mad at him for turning the screws on those fuckers.

Posted: June 29th, 2009, 11:05 pm
by 100hp honda
kdizzle wrote:I can appreciate his spine but half the shit sheriff Joe does is for the spectacle and his own media self love. He is just as slimey as the rest of the politicians running this country. I would prefer he sat back and did his job and shut his fat arPIEHOLE rather than doing some publicity stunt to get his name in the news

I do agree that every illiegal needs to get deported however, and i am not mad at him for turning the screws on those fuckers.
your on crack ! sheriff joe gets death threats for arresting/deporting illegal beaners.......hows that media self love ? sounds like he is doing his job just fine, ARRESTING people that break the law. illegals break the law the second they walk across the border :roll: . sheriff joe is the only person in this country with enough balls to arrest them illegal fuckers and deport them. ya thats exactly what we need..........another worthless fuck in law enforcement/government to sit back and let them walk across the border EVERY day by the thousands :? . thats how we got to this point, because nobody has ever done a damn thing to keep them out of the country !

Posted: June 29th, 2009, 11:59 pm
by dannygraves
I really like what sheriff joe did with jail and the tent city. Jail isn't supposed to be pleasant and sheriff joe made it very unpleasant, he gets an a+ in my book! :wink:

Posted: July 8th, 2009, 5:23 pm
by 2strokes4ever
Im a solid plasterer, and work here aint what it used to be, hence why im at home talking shit on my pc......