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Mother F'ing economy

Posted: May 13th, 2009, 10:02 pm
by ~Trever
Anyone else getting bent over becuase the economy went to shit?

I used to make a good living made just over a 100k worked my ass of 60-70 hours a week. Last year I barely broke 40k and worked maybe 5-10 days a month. This year it's worse my credit is going down the shitter and I think I'm gonna have to start dodging the repoman soon. I have tried to stay positve but every time things start getting better at work in a month or two they get 2X worse than before. My chick has been great but the last few days she seems to have lost hope and I feel like a ahole for not providing for my family like I should.

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 8:53 am
by britincali
I went from 90+k to around 20k in what seemed like a flash, I changed dealerships and took a demotion but I should break 70k this year.

It fukin sux and was really hard for a few months but now im getting back on track.

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 9:12 am
by AlisoBob
We can all thank this guy......


Posted: May 14th, 2009, 9:36 am
by dannygraves
I made like over 100 in '06, like 80 in '07, 65 in '08 and project 50 this year... :cry:
my mother in law had 2 jobs and made like 90 in '06 and '07, in '08 she lost her 2nd job and got a %10 pay cut from the 1st and a week ago she got laid off from that job.
We've officially lost the house now and I'm looking for a shack for us to rent for cheap incase things get even worse. :?

too bad we gave aig all of our money :x that much money could have bought a house for 1 million american familys... alone...

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 9:40 am
by ~Trever
the worst part is this shit is putting a serious hurtin' on my af plans :bash:

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 9:58 am
by dannygraves
yup... I've spent over a year building my gen-3... :? always waiting for the money to buy some parts.

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 1:02 pm
Shit, it's been a tough few years for me.

1. Sold one of my stores to pay a lawyer for a custody case. He failed to file paper work properly and now I'm a "weekend dad".

2. Closed the other store due to Hurricane Rita. Did an internet store while I was in school.

3. Sold my house and moved into an apartment. The county quaratined the whole complex 1.5 months after I moved in due to bats. I had to leave my stuff there for "2 weeks". 3 months later when I got back in, my shit was gone. Tools, big screen, stereo.....everything.

4. Real Estate went to shit. Yep, I'm a Realtor :roll: .

5. Hurricane Ike put 4.5 feet of water in my townhouse. Total loss.

6. Blew the motor in my car.

7. My farts stopped smelling like roses.

But things are getting better.......................riiiight??? :?

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 1:19 pm
by Hellbear
Yiks!!!! That sucks!! I hope everyone can pull thru this hard time.

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 1:37 pm
by dannygraves
just found out that my work hasn't paid the guy who contracts me in 2 months :? shit is getting ready to hit the fan.

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 2:08 pm
by JBaze
Wow! I personally haven't been hit by the economic shit like some of you have, to be honest, I have actually taken advantage of it, I bought a new truck at $20,000 off of msrp, a new travel trailer at $15000 of of msrp and a new bike. Although we are in a kind of a little pocket up here that doesn't really have a lot riding on what happens with the stocks and bullshit like that. As long as people don't quit eating, we'll be pretty good here. One advantage to living in the middle of nowhere I guess.

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 2:38 pm
by Exnav
Everything I market and sell is purchased with discretionary income - (meaning something you don't need, but want) and as you can imagine, it has taken a bite out of my earning. Not to mention, the IRS took the time to look up my ass last year too. I do see signs of improvement, though small as they may be.

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 3:44 pm
by roost251
I work for the state, unpaid days off rock!! NOT :-( This seriously is hurting my AF plans also. My pay has gone down 10g's and looks like it will continue if I am lucky to keep the job, Thinking about going back in business for my self again. Luckily my bills are low, and I have some $ in reserve, and family and my lady have been very supportive. Keep your heads up hoons, and keep moving.

Posted: May 16th, 2009, 4:54 pm
by nmdesertrider
there's always beer

Posted: May 16th, 2009, 11:45 pm
...........AND whiskey!

Posted: May 17th, 2009, 3:59 am
by CR500R7
...................................... and the LADIES!!!!!!!!!! :woot: :woot: :woot:

Posted: May 17th, 2009, 2:39 pm
:bong: :bong: :bong: .........does the trick for me.