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Need some CR500AF info and advice...

Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 7:06 pm
by AdrenoJunky
OK, here's the deal - I was about to put my '05 CRF450R up for sale when I came across a guy trying to get a trade - his '97 CR500AF for a CRF450R. Being a predominantly desert rider, this naturally piqued my interest. I've always wanted a 500AF, and here is a chance. Besides being interested in such a bike, I also am fully aware of the fact thet there are about a million CRF450's for sale just about everywhere - therefore driving the resale price into the basement (~$3700 here in AZ for an '05). So, the way I see it, if the bike is in good shape, I can't really lose --> if I like the bike I keep it, if not I sell it for the same or prolly more than I can get for my CRF450. So, here's my questions:

1) For those in the know - does this sound about right? Do y'all think I can get ~$3700 for a nice '97 CR500AF? I know the new SH CR500AF's are quite pricey, and I have'nt any idea what a good price would be for a nice '97...

2) I know everyones' issues with the 1st gen CR frames - too stiff, etc... My roommate had a '98 CR250 - and I really liked the bike - everything except for the motor that is (no bottom - compared to my YZ250 at least). Is the '97 similar? Are there other issues I should be concerned with in the donor bike ('97 CR250)? BTW - This particular 500AF does have Showa forks - not sure what year, but they are Showas. The shock seems to be the stock KYB, as the guy who currently owns it is completely mechanically inept, thats all the info I have.

3) The current owner has no clue what year the motor is --> he's said '83 or '86. I dont know much about the CR500 motors' history, so is there some way to identify it? It is water cooled (I think this rules out '84 and earlier??) and it does have black cases and bare aluminum cylinder/head. And, if any of this sounds familiar - does anyone know if I need to run race gas in this thing? I'm pretty sure these 500's have relatively low CR so prolly not - but not sure...

4) The current owner says the bike was modded by on of the Service Honda 'Partners'. I'm not exactly sure what he means by that, but the bike does seem to have SH CR500AF graphics/decals on the shrouds and swingarm. So, is there some way to tell if SH did in fact do this bike?

5) With the Showa forks, bike runs strong, it seems to be real solid, all the welds for the mods look really good, brakes and all else seem to be good, also had a Magura hydraulic clutch and a Clarke desert tank. I think the bike is in real good shape all-around, do y'all think this'd be a good trade? I ride desert mainly, and will still keep my YZ250 for the nasty singletrack and woods. Basically my attraction to the CR500AF is that it'll haul a$$ like my CRF450, but I no longer have to worry about valves/rebuild costs as I ride hard and fast pretty much all the time. My YZ would suffice, but tops out at ~68mph, where my 450 tops out at ~90mph. I like that extra 12mph.

Any comments, advice and/or comments are appreciated. Thanks!

Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 7:15 pm
by Ported&Polished
Is it the one on Craigslist that has an 84 motor? I would be carefull, and check it out closely.

Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 7:17 pm
by Ported&Polished
There are several very knowlable hoons in you area that might be able to have a look at it also, they will know whats up.

Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 8:56 pm
by mxracr121
I don't think that bike is a Service Honda AF. I read that Service Honda didn't even produce the bikes till like '98 or '99. And even then, they always came with brand new engines that were the same year as the frame. And it sure doesn't have an '84 500 engine, as those are air-cooled. I've seen that thing for sell in Cycle Trader before. But that doesn't mean its a bad bike either. I'd just look it over real well. The '97 and '98 CR 250 are exactly the same, and did come with Showa Twin Chambers forks. I've seen one real SH 500AF, a '99, sale for under $3k at a shop, and one or two of the '05 CRF 450's are listed in PHX. Craigs List at $3k too, so the trade would really be up to you, if you think the trade is worth it. If it was me, nope, I wouldn't do it. I HATED the first generation frame. When I bought my '97 CR 250 at the end of '96, I rode it once during open practice, then put it up for sale the next day. Luckily, I hadn't sold my '96 RM yet. Really though, it would be taking a real step backwards in suspension and handling. I'd yank the 450 engine, sell it, buy a 500 engine, and have the frame modified. You should be able to get decent bucks for that 450 engine. :D

Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 9:49 pm
by 97af
mxracr121 wrote:The '97 and '98 CR 250 are exactly the same.
Close but not the same.The 98-99 bikes are the 1st gen bikes to have.
Subframes are completely different from 97 to 98-99 bikes as well as swingarms and rear shock.

Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 11:55 pm
by AlisoBob
My $0.02?

Hers the bike in question...


My advice? Pass.

Sketchy bikes from clueless owners rarely works out well. Your current chassis is start of the art, why part with that?

Seems to me the best choice for you is to adapt a CR500 motor to what you already own.

You could buy this locally for $1500 cash, part it out for at least $700. At that point you have about $800 in it


Sell your 450 motor for $1500.. BAM! Your almost home free.

Wild Bill is a real cool dude from Casa Grande. Someone from this board could put you in touch with him, he rides a '03 450 conversion... very nice bike.

He could hook you up with the guy who did his conversion.

End Result:

1. Very cost effective upgrade

2. State of the art motor scooter

3. Its CR500 powered!

Buying someone else's headache isnt worth it.

Posted: August 24th, 2007, 12:41 am
by AdrenoJunky
Advice taken - I shall pass... Thanks for all your input! I am very tempted to do the conversion myself, however I am a full-time Engineering student, and therefore havnt the time or financial resources to tackle such a project as of now - come May though (graduation) neither of those will remain a problem. I'll be back on here when that time comes. For now I'll just sell my 450, and keep rockin my tried and true YZ250... Thanks!

Posted: August 24th, 2007, 8:01 am
by Hellbear
If you are going to do the conversion yourself hang onto that 450 you have. If you don't need the money it will save you from having to buy a frame later.

Re: Need some CR500AF info and advice...

Posted: August 24th, 2007, 8:41 am
by dannygraves
AdrenoJunky wrote:1) For those in the know - does this sound about right? Do y'all think I can get ~$3700 for a nice '97 CR500AF? I know the new SH CR500AF's are quite pricey, and I have'nt any idea what a good price would be for a nice '97...
Not that I would recommend it, but yes you can ... :IT&ih=006

Posted: August 24th, 2007, 8:51 am
by dannygraves
If I were you, I'd sell that 450 motor for $$$ (probably half of what you could sell the whole bike for) then pickup a clean 500 motor w/ electronics and carb for $500-$750 and a couple hundred on exhaust and another couple hunded on frame mods and you'd be right where you started, but have a really sick bike you could easily sell for over 5K.

sounds like the owner is an idiot, which isn't always a bad thing, the owner of my '97 250 donor was an idiot, so he always paid a pro tp work on it and sold it to me for $900 because of a coolant leak, which he was freaking out about because he though it would cost him like $1000 to fix, but it was really $3 water pump seal. I fixed the seal and sold the '97 250 motor for $700. If I could get $700 for my '97 250 motor, you should be able to get more than twice that for the 450 motor.

If you don't have the time to convert and just want to sell the 450, then I'd trade, because that gen-1 500 will ride awesome!
BTW, showa twin chambers were stock on the '97+

it all depends on you, if it were me, I'd be all about converting that 450 into one sick bike!

Posted: August 24th, 2007, 11:33 am
by 97af
I think its 2k's conversion......

Posted: August 24th, 2007, 11:37 am
by AlisoBob
:woot: :woot: :woot:

Posted: August 24th, 2007, 2:59 pm
by mxracr121
97af wrote:
mxracr121 wrote:The '97 and '98 CR 250 are exactly the same.
Close but not the same.The 98-99 bikes are the 1st gen bikes to have.
Subframes are completely different from 97 to 98-99 bikes as well as swingarms and rear shock.
Well, it still sucks anyway compared to the Gen 2-4 frames! :D

Posted: August 29th, 2007, 1:53 pm
by dannygraves
so, adrenojunky, have to made your decision? Just curious

Posted: August 30th, 2007, 7:23 am
by lewisclan

Posted: August 30th, 2007, 8:06 am
by dannygraves
HAHAHA :lol: :lol: