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Goler Heights Ride

Posted: April 19th, 2009, 8:07 pm
by xr680r
I had a blast!
Weather was great, temperature couldn't have been better. Thursday the wind was just right to move the dust out of the way, the next two days there wasn't enough wind so the riders had to spread out. Today there was just the right amount of wind again. Very little but, enough. Did some sandy, twisty, rock infested, high speed, wash runs, some jagged rocky, ridge runs, some mad fast fire road trips, and there was a very big hill over a thousand feet high just North of camp, that gave a challange for some to try while those in camp watchd. A few CR5's to compare to XR's and two blasts over for an adventure at a mine that literally had miles of under ground passage, up and down ladders, has different levels, just supper cool. Ate in Ransburg twice. Had rib eye for dinner two nights and tomollies one night at camp. There was some crazy explosive stuff I had no part of. I tried my best to stop those who were taking part in this very unsafe and anti-social behavior. Some idiots setup some kind of large flaming fire explosive device of some kind that turned into a magnesium bright light. Someone from a camp site next to us (He must have been the guy that made and set it off) went out to this very dangerous and caustic eruption of flames and was screaming profanity and pulling down his pants at our camp sight. It was very entertaining for the half hour or so the rain of fire was that was happening. Mushroom clouds of flames, earth shaking explosions all from someone from some other camp I am sure. There were quite a few supporters of Osama’s Change of our country and voiced their opinions around the camp fire. We hailed the coming years of optimism and glee was in the air. Oprah was also hail for telling the world that Oboma was, "The One". Was talked for hours of how 'now that the dem's are in charge' 'that nature can finally have a chance of peace!' My son's learned quite a lot from the men of valor of - high integrity - around the camp fire and after hours of them drinking soda they were able to expound on all the important points of the finer aspects of life. Sunday morning we had church with hockeypoor and there was 21 of us! It was awesome overlooking the valley and the message was fitting for such a beautiful setting. Ranger Rick is the only one I heard of that got hurt....but, he always gets hurt at the beginning of these rides (I think so he does have to go on any other rides) No fights, it was good! There was also some that brought wicked fast quads and some very small quads for a little girl that was in our camp.
One of the big rides was 84 miles long and no one broke down that I heard of. It will be great to hear the rest of what went on that I had no part of.

Posted: April 19th, 2009, 11:18 pm
by britincali
Bitchin ride report
:D :D :D :D

(apart from the church shit :wink: )

Posted: April 20th, 2009, 6:58 am
by lewisclan
we had a great time Glad we came out