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Some "Old Navy" humor

Posted: April 17th, 2009, 2:15 pm
by Chief Gunner
While talking to a Master Chief on a ship today about one of his sailors who was having a tough time getting through a material condition assesment I've been working on,

The Master Chief said to me....

"I'ts okay Aaron, that sumbitch is so dumb and ugly he could'nt get laid in a monkey whorehouse if he was carring a sack full of banana's"

That was pretty good, so not to be outdone by the Master Chief I told told him that the same Sailor was crying to me about how much work he does and how he never gets any time off so I told him;

"Being a good Sailor is like being a whore, the harder you work, the more you get fucked, its how quickly you dry yourself off and get back on your feet that matters"
