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early bday present, Thanks alot F%$king A$$hole

Posted: January 26th, 2009, 10:17 am
by ~Trever
this is how I found my truck this morn 2 days before my birthday and the cops don't even give a shit wont even come out to file a report

Posted: January 26th, 2009, 10:31 am
by britincali
Whats it say?

Posted: January 26th, 2009, 10:36 am
by ss1
that sucks!!!!...a buddy of mine has a shop in chicago and we used to hang out there all the time one day when we were going out the door to head to a local bar there were three punks spray painting the side of his building,i chased those son of a bitches for 30-40 blocks on foot and ended up catching two of them,we threw them in the back of my buddies pickup truck [which had a cap on it] and threw rocks and shit at them until the cops came,they got arrested and we went and got drunk...sorry to see that happen to you and happy birthday :?

Posted: January 26th, 2009, 10:57 am
by Exnav
It will probably come off with a little clay bar, or at worst, use a little 1600 grit wet with soap and hit it with a buffer and compound.

Sucks bro. No respect for peoples property.

Posted: January 26th, 2009, 11:13 am
by Hellbear
That sucks balls. I hate tagger's. You should be able to shoot them on site if you catch them. :x

Posted: January 26th, 2009, 11:25 am
by hoofarted
Sucks dude. Since its fresh, try some super clean and/or some goof-off. That shit works wonders sometimes.

oh. Happy B-Day!


forgot one:


Posted: January 26th, 2009, 11:28 am
by ~Trever
I got detailer coming over to take care of it and give the truck a good waxing

Posted: January 26th, 2009, 4:00 pm
by NightBiker07
use Laquer Thinner. as long as you dont soak the panel in the shit overnight, wiping the blue off with a rag soaked with Laquer thinner wont hurt the factory finish, but will take that Rust-Oleum right off.

just use caution on the moulding, laquer thinner can discolor a bare plastic finish. if its a painted moulding, HAVE AT IT.

Posted: January 26th, 2009, 4:05 pm
by ~Trever
It's all fixed now. Detailer came over and cleaned it off and gave it a good waxing looks better now than before

Posted: January 27th, 2009, 5:13 pm
by CRMOE500
Just another Illiterate asshole who learned how to write with spray paint from there homeies.

Posted: January 27th, 2009, 5:18 pm
by AlisoBob

Posted: January 27th, 2009, 8:54 pm
by south central hoon
BUENA PARK IS A TOUGH TOWN. bummer. at least if came off.

Posted: January 27th, 2009, 8:55 pm
by south central hoon
AlisoBob wrote:Image
Wrong neighborhood bob.

Posted: January 27th, 2009, 9:41 pm
by AlisoBob
south central hoon wrote:
AlisoBob wrote:Image
Wrong neighborhood bob.

Posted: January 27th, 2009, 9:46 pm
by teamdns
Hellbear wrote:That sucks balls. I hate tagger's. You should be able to shoot them on site if you catch them. :x
X 1,000

Posted: January 28th, 2009, 7:04 am
by MojoScojo
AlisoBob wrote: Image

Warriors! Come out to play-ay!

Posted: January 28th, 2009, 9:28 am
by Ported&Polished
It looked like it said Dick Suck. Buena Park is totally overrun by idiots now. You got your asian and mexi gangs, as well as your dumb fawk ghetto whites. Shit I remember when BP was a nice little quiet area, man socal has changed alot over the years. I lived off Beach Blvd. for years, used to take 17 minutes to get to PCH, now it's an hour of traffic and lights. It's actually faster to go to San Clamente on the freeway then to go to HB on the streets. I hate traffic, gangs, and anyone that does that tagging crap! :x

Posted: January 28th, 2009, 9:32 am
by AlisoBob
Ported&Polished wrote:It looked like it said Dick Suck.
Only you T..... only you....


Posted: January 29th, 2009, 1:11 pm
by dannygraves
My Dad lived in BP for years right off the blvd when he was working at boeing and murdock. he made the mistake of owning a mid '80 oldsmobile, that car must have gotten stolen 6 or 7 times. they'd take it and pull some parts off it for their lowriders and ditch it. once that car was gone he bought another olds! :bash: well, that one ended up in vegas after he brought home a umm "lady for hire" :wink: and she took his wallet and car when he passed out :lol: He didn't tell the cops that, they automatically assumed it was more mexican gang bangers that took it :lol:

Posted: January 29th, 2009, 1:13 pm
by dannygraves
tell you what, if I caught someone doing that it would end up like that scene in american history X only my 2 pits would be chasing any of them that tried to run away on foot :twisted:
one morning a couple months ago I found that someone egged all of the street parked cars in the neighborhood including my truck. The thing that sucked was my dogs were going crazy the night before and I kept telling them to shut up... next time I'm opening the door :wink:

Posted: January 29th, 2009, 6:46 pm
by teamdns
AlisoBob wrote:
Ported&Polished wrote:It looked like it said Dick Suck.
Only you T..... only you....

impossible...the 3rd letter is the same as the 6th and 7th.

Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 5:02 pm
Does "tagging" reference some gang bangers putting there slogan on your vehicle like some kind of free, mobile advertisement? I suppose this is the work of some of California's finest :roll:
From all this stupid bullshit, nightmarish crap I hear of California. Sounds like it's time for you Red Blooded American Californians to take this shit to the streets. Seperate from the rest of that Liberal Mexi state...

I'd like to see a pic of your nice truck after the waxing. Be a good ending to the story and a big FUCK YOU to the pieces of shit who did it!

Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 5:17 pm
by ~Trever

If I was youger before I started a family The cops would find some shitheads in the street hog tied with their faces spray painted. We stood our ground when me and my buddies first moved into this neighborhood 6 years ago. Whenever one of the gangbangers walked by and maddogged us we got in their face right away and let them know we wouldn't put up with their bullshit. we never had any problems with them. Now I have to worry about them spraying our home with bullets with my fiance and son inside.

Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 5:35 pm
Glad I've never experience that...

But on a good note your truck looks bad as hell :cool: Good to know there are still people you can rely on to help you when little fuckers like this chose to interject themselves in our lives.