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Glen Helen Motocross National Halftime Show

Posted: July 24th, 2007, 10:10 am
by rpeterson
Just contacted by Lori Bryant from Glen Helen to do the Halftime Show at the final round of the AMA MX Nationals again this year on Sept. 9. Should be sweet!


Posted: July 24th, 2007, 5:48 pm
by iggys-amsoil
There also looking for cornerworkers for the Nationals. Hmmm.... don't wait to long. :wink:

It is that time again. We are looking for racers and or qualified cornerworkers for the Glen Helen National. If you have not worked with us previously you must be at least 18 years old, male or female. We prefer that cornerworkers be racers or serious race fans. This is only for Saturday Pro practice and Sundays Pro events. Not the amateur events on Thursday and Friday. Cornerworkers are not paid but will recieve some serious swag, and a lifetime of memories. Last years crew was told by the AMA that it was one of the best crews they had ever worked with. If you are interested in 2 of the most intense days you can imagine email me (goes by REM on at