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A few interesting events taking place.........

Posted: September 23rd, 2008, 7:46 pm
by NightBiker07
So..... Anyone else here catching all this?

-Oil prices are going back up.

-Wealth is being tranfered from us citizens to bail out already rich financial elites.

-The economy could easily tank any time.

-U.S. trained and backed Georgian troops got a good kicking from Russia.

-Russia has issued multiple warnings against our encircling them...yet we still are.

-Venezuela has buddied up to Russia, hosting a Russian bomber fly in.

-The Russian Cruiser "Peter The Great" squadron with a host of armaments(including nuclear missile payload) has entered the Carribean.

-A large U.S. Naval Armada is now deployed within striking distance of Iran, whom Russia vows to defend if we attack.

-Bush/Cheyne INTEND to attack Iran anyway....even if it takes planning a false flag attack to gain public support for war with Iran.

-Nancy Pelosi and other CongressCritters are blocking proceedings on the 35(!) Articles Of Impeachment drafted by Dennis Kucinich and introduced in the House months ago.

-Members of Congress have stated that they FEAR that Bush would declare a National Emergency, institute Martial Law, and suspend the November elections if they held Impeachment Hearings. (If Congress voices that fear...that's a bad sign in itself).

The list goes on and on......and the "rabbit hole" gets deeper. we are all screwed...........

Posted: September 23rd, 2008, 7:59 pm
by Exnav
I am....Jack's complete lack of surprise.

Posted: September 23rd, 2008, 9:32 pm
by JBaze
Seems like everthing is kind of circling the rim huh? Make sure you have a ready supply of ammo and food, and hope for the best.

Posted: September 23rd, 2008, 9:33 pm
by JBaze
Oh yeah, and plenty of gas and mix for 500. Thats probly the most important.

Posted: September 23rd, 2008, 11:41 pm
by ou812
Store tons of water, when the shit hits the fan they will turn the taps off.

Re: A few interesting events taking place.........

Posted: September 24th, 2008, 12:12 am
by iggys-amsoil
NightBiker07 wrote:So..... Anyone else here catching all this?

The list goes on and on......and the "rabbit hole" gets deeper. we are all screwed...........
Russian Nukes are in Venezuala and Cuba.

Yep I am. Also add, last week one of the 200,000 person consentration camps was actived last week in WA state. Just one. :hiding:

Hell its got me thinking of taking a 50% loan out on the 401K just to have it in hand.

I dunno man, I'm kinda thinking the sky really is going to fall this time. I hope I'm wrong.

Posted: September 24th, 2008, 9:31 am
by dannygraves
yup, I'm ready to bail any time, back up the wife and kids and head to grandmas house in hungary! :shock:

I'm really not understanding why the fed is helping the banks... the banks CAUSED this, they made their bed, they should lie in it! :x

The federal government won't bail my ass out of anything! :x

Bush is a moron and really needs to just chill out the rest of the year until his term is over :roll:

Posted: September 24th, 2008, 2:47 pm
by south central hoon
The bank bail out is is a super tricky thing. If we let them go under they will drag us down too. if we don't our great grandchildren will still be paying off the 700 Billion Dollar BAIL OUT in taxes, inflation and doing while speaking Chinese or a dialect of India. :shock:

I think either way we are totally up a creek.

the only thing i can say is OBAMA has been warning about this for months, and McCain denied there was any problem until this week and now he is pointing the finger.

If i was on the fence before about my vote, i fell to the left!

Posted: September 24th, 2008, 2:49 pm
by dannygraves
you're suck a damn lefty! :D
oh well, its nice to have another perspective every now and then :wink:

Posted: September 24th, 2008, 2:52 pm
by south central hoon
it takes all kinds. :D

Our economy is at the forefront of America's concerns. I just don't see the mccain/palin ticket getting this one....besides after 8 years, aren't we ready for something different. not better, i am not saying that. different.

Posted: September 24th, 2008, 2:54 pm
by dannygraves
honestly, I'm ready for anyone who isn't dubya, that guy is fucking mentally retarded with an inferiority complex! its a wonder WW3 didn't start while he was in office! :roll:

Posted: September 24th, 2008, 2:55 pm
by dannygraves
I am Jack's lost mind! :?

Posted: September 24th, 2008, 3:03 pm
by south central hoon
dannygraves wrote:honestly, I'm ready for anyone who isn't dubya, that guy is fucking mentally retarded with an inferiority complex! its a wonder WW3 didn't start while he was in office! :roll:

we can certainly agree on that. who put that fool in office? twice? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: September 24th, 2008, 3:07 pm
by teemtrubble
Both you fukers better not get me started!

A "Hunky" (AKA dannygraves better known as "Nigyver") and "Lefty" (AKA south central hoon) discussing Politics is like watching two monkeys fucking a football!

Yes Danny Bush has made mistakes... you used to swear by your GEN1

Yes Jeff we need to change some things but, you wouldn't cut your nose off to spite your face?... and you want to build a GEN1

Posted: September 24th, 2008, 3:35 pm
by south central hoon
teemtrubble wrote:Both you fukers better not get me started!

A "Hunky" (AKA dannygraves better known as "Nigyver") and "Lefty" (AKA south central hoon) discussing Politics is like watching two monkeys fucking a football!

Yes Danny Bush has made mistakes... you used to swear by your GEN1

Yes Jeff we need to change some things but, you wouldn't cut your nose off to spite your face?... and you want to build a GEN1
Mike you are so pretty when you're angry. :lol: :lol:

I think Danny still likes that Gen 1., at least that is what i read here. and mine will be done in no time, for about 400.00 out of pocket.

as for politics I haven't seen any posts here from you in regards to the ISSUES we are talking about. what do you think should happen with the bank bail out? You want Corey and Conner and thier kids to foot this bill? what does the conservative camp have to say?

Posted: September 24th, 2008, 4:32 pm
by teemtrubble
Why you got another football?

Posted: September 24th, 2008, 5:55 pm
by south central hoon
thanks for proving my point. this section of the forum, as i understand it is for the discussion of the ISSUES surrounding Politics and Activism, not heckling people for their choice of chassis, or political affiliation.

Back to the issues:
G Dub speaks in just a few minutes. (700 Billion dollar speech.) :idea:

Posted: September 24th, 2008, 7:33 pm
by JBaze
Garaunteed the stock market will be down tommorow. It always seems to dive after he talks. We shall see.

Posted: September 24th, 2008, 9:52 pm
by teemtrubble
south central hoon wrote:thanks for proving my point. this section of the forum, as i understand it is for the discussion of the ISSUES surrounding Politics and Activism, not heckling people for their choice of chassis, or political affiliation.

Back to the issues:
G Dub speaks in just a few minutes. (700 Billion dollar speech.) :idea:
hahahahaha I wasn't heckling I was just making a point that everyone makes mistakes and since this is a CR500 forum what better example is there than one's choice of chassis's your political affiliation speaks for it's self...and that was just a bonus "proving my point".

Posted: September 24th, 2008, 11:12 pm
by ou812
Great speech ya? So you guy's feel good about bailing out all those poor billionaires? come on now if you were in debt over your head Bush would come running to your aid, would he not?

Posted: September 25th, 2008, 7:52 am
by dannygraves
Mike, I do still like my gen-1, I feel it is a better desert bike than my gen-4. it handles better at high speed and is more stable at speed. (5th gear gravel washes, etc.)

I'm way more to the right than to the left and I this W is just an embarrasment for republicans everywhere. but thats just my opinion.
:lol: :wink:

Posted: September 25th, 2008, 9:13 am
by teemtrubble
dannygraves wrote:Mike, I do still like my gen-1, I feel it is a better desert bike than my gen-4. it handles better at high speed and is more stable at speed. (5th gear gravel washes, etc.)

I'm way more to the right than to the left and I this W is just an embarrasment for republicans everywhere. but thats just my opinion.
:lol: :wink:
I know Danny I just can't help myself giving Jeff a hard time :wink:

Me personally I'm pissed about the 700B in regards to the Mortgage backed securities because in a nut shell it just gives some Mortgage companies more time to foreclose on mortgages while they have made billions or maybe trillions in the past they wrote "bad loans" to people who could not afford them and sold securities under the assumption the market would appreciate "They made an investment and lost" ex; Jack ( age 40) and Jill (age 40) and their 2 children and dog buy a home with a ARM (Adjustable rate mortgage) Jack and Jill both have to work full time to satisfy their loan. They hit year 5 in their home and the interest rate has been climbing but, they struggle and are making it. Hoping they can refinance soon. Jack is driving home from his second job so they can afford Health insurance because little Sarah who is 6 is Autistic and has special needs, Jack falls a sleep at the wheel due to exhuastion veers off the road crashes and dies... a few months pass. Jill is devasted they didn't have life insurance she can't make the mortgage payments she is upside down and owes more than she can sell the house for and they foreclose. She goes to the welfare department to apply for housing and aid she can recieve food stamps but, cannot recieve financial aid because she has to be living in a dwelling and the waiting list for Area Housing is about three years and because her credit is now shit she can't get in anywhere becaue the "LEFTIES" have been giving housing to people who don't want to work or refugies. Now between Jack and Jill they were working 3 jobs and paying taxes for over 40 years.

And now the "FED" wants to help some of these "Banks" in this "Rescue Plan" with Jack and Jill's tax dollars...

Jill is still homeless and didn't have enough money to file bankruptcy so several of the "Banks" that her and her husbands tax dollars went to in the "Resue plan" are suing her...

On the other hand there are some companies that do need that help...

That was an example but, It's a true story of one of my close friends I just changed their names.

Posted: September 25th, 2008, 9:15 am
by britincali
Thats a sad sad situation :cry:

Posted: September 25th, 2008, 9:30 am
by Exnav
Just wait, it won't be long and the Big 3 will be holding their hands out for a bailout. It's coming folks.

Posted: September 25th, 2008, 9:31 am
by dannygraves
it is very sad, and I think the banks caused the problem, so they should just have to deal with it! Is the fed going to help me with my house that we were $170,000 upside down on??? no, but they will help the bank that inisists on receiving their $4300/mo on a house we can;t refi!
Like it really sucks that some bank CEOs will have to give up their mega yaughts (sp?) I really feel for them, I know people who are losing their homes with no place to go, so lets save their mansions and yaughts!! STAT!

oh, and my mother in law is manager of the budget suites location by us and the place is currently completely booked and has been for months! Full of families who have to drop their family dogs off at the pound and live in a single room with their kids becasue with a foreclosure on their credit they can't even get into an apartment! BY ALL MEANS LETS ALL GIVE THE BANKS WHO CAUSED THIS $700,000,000,000.00!!! :x