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Do you love America, The Constitution, Liberty, Patriotism..

Posted: September 8th, 2008, 11:17 pm
by dynodave
...American History, American values, Capitalism, and Conservatism? Do you believe the Founding Fathers? Are you a Great American, born or Naturalized? Do you support the Troops, support common sense, and like to be informed? Wouldn't you like your Government to get much smaller costing you less taxes? Are you a concerned citizen of America? Don't you wish that the Supreme Court would ALWAYS make juducial decisions following what is written in the Constitution? Do you cling to your guns and your religion out of bitterness? Are you pissed off about the current open borders/illegal immigration situation? Are you a Regan era Democrat that loves his Country? Do you hate tyrany? Do you believe the 2008 Presidential election is the most important one in at least our lifetime? Do you believe Barak Millhouse NObama is a liar and is hiding very much about his past? Are you a sarcastic sonofabitch sometimes? Do you like to laugh out loud?

Then you need to go to:

Click on audio archive in the center of the home page.

Right click on the archives to save to your computer and listen whenever.

Mark Levin is doing more for the protection of the Constitution of the United States, along with our God Given, Unalienable Rights as human beings, placed here by the Man himself. This is as important as what our troops are doing for us overseas because:

A fight on the battlefield is one that we'll never loose, but the fight for the continued upholding of the Constitution, during decisions made by our elected officials, is one that we could loose, which I consider unacceptable.

You'll learn something plus it's a riot. Conspiracy theorists and Hollywood ellietists need not apply.