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Michigan People- 9/1 and 9/21

Posted: August 31st, 2008, 3:34 pm
by Blusmbl
Last minute planning like most everything else I do, but it looks like a couple of my coworkers and I are going to run the open practice at Red Bud on Labor Day. 12-6 open ride, I think it's $30. I don't have the balls to try it, but one of my buddies may attempt to clear Larocco's leap on my 500...

Also, 9/21 I think Kleckner and I are going to head out to Silver Lake just for the day, I want to try out my GSS porting and my paddle tire out on the dunes.


Posted: September 19th, 2008, 3:14 pm
by Blusmbl
Update: still going to Silver Lake on Sunday the 21st, and we're riding at Red Bud again on the 28th. Be there, bitches!!!!

Posted: September 21st, 2008, 6:52 pm
by Blusmbl
The paddle was ridiculous, that's the first time I've ridden with a cupped tire on the sand. It left me with an ear to ear grin, between the trail port job and the paddle, it was pulling the front wheel everywhere, and the few people I let ride it were incredibly impressed.

I KO'd the clutch at the end of the day though, lever has no resistance anymore, goes right to the bars, and won't disengage. I'll tear it apart tomorrow...