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Perris 8/15

Posted: August 15th, 2008, 10:15 pm
by iggys-amsoil
Well it turned out to be messed up day after I get to work. More on that in moment. I'm ok, so's the bike.

It was just a so so day for me, with 4 hours sleep, I guess did pretty well considering that. Met up with Redrocket and Vet X/coworker Mike444.
Lots of rutts just about every corner had one, not to deep cause no pros that I know of were there. Heard it was way worse last week cause of it. Finally fell in one :? just after the finish line table. I had that one pretty good, needed to get it right cause after is a 4th gear pinned drag race to the next corner. That 90 foot table in the back is fun too. 5th gear but only landing it about 2/3's to 3/4 then off the end. A couple of times I hit it with another that cleared it, pretty cool to see even if I'm not making it. A couple of jump faces had kickers on them that I couldn't see but could feel them, didn't really matter cause I was hitting them hard enough to not endo but they were getting my attention. Redrocket and I both had to take a breather to get the heart rate down. We didn't think to eat bananas yesterday or this morning. I had a large Jack in the Box Iced coffee so that probably didn't help, just to much caffine in it.

Ok the messed up part. After my second set of laps I learn everyones being flagged off the track, ya thats bad news cause there was no split practice. Coworker and I didn't even think that it was his friend the wagon was coming for, he didn't think of him and thought he had enough got tried of waiting to get back on the track and left, as he didn't park with us. We get to work and find out it was him. :shock: I'm like WTF, why didn't they tell us before we left? Well turns out thats because he was uncon.... for two hours and woke up in the hospital. There's a double (which I'm not even about to attempt) before the two finish line tables that he shorted, took a good bounce, turned right, off the track and into oncoming traffic. Also got a good slice on his right bicep from the other bikes rear brake pedle. From the sounds of it he could of bleed out. Good thing Perris always has EMT's on standby. So for the first three hours at work Mike/coworker and I are having my wife goto the hospitol to get him home but thats before we find out about the concussion. She gets there and they tell her he's been checked out? I figure ok cause before that I find out that his bother lives in Hemet so its all good at this point, only later to find out about the concussion and he's still in the hospital as I write this,....... I think?. :doh: :x

Anyway he's going to be ok. But I don't think he should race next weekend or even ride for a while. I here concussions take a long time to get over even up to a year.

Posted: August 16th, 2008, 9:20 am
by teemtrubble

Posted: August 16th, 2008, 10:17 am
by redrocket190
I came round the left-hander after the rhythm section and found a guy laid out in the middle of track. He came off a Honda. Was he your mate or the guy he hit? He sat up OK, but later the medics took him off on back board. It seemed unusual that someone would fall so hard at that spot, but now I understand he was coming in the other direction. That double really sucks. Even if one is brave enough to do it, the left-hander after comes up really really quick.

FWIW, it was real hot for me - the truck said 101F when I drove out - so I rode like a girl's blouse. And I need to get the proper springs on my bike because flat landings on 4th gear table tops are killing the stock X suspension. I rode Iggy's bike and the suspension was much much better, and the engine cracks crisply off the bottom compared to my "tractor" which is jetted seriously rich. So I'll change the pilot, needle and main before the Perris race.

Keep us posted on your mate...wish him a speedy recovery.

Posted: August 16th, 2008, 11:09 am
by sabreguy
teemtrubble wrote:Bummer

Posted: August 16th, 2008, 1:28 pm
by iggys-amsoil
Yep he's 444's mate. They had to put him under to close the 6x3" gash on his arm. Its no wonder that 444 got the call first, its the first thing Dragon454 could remember when he woke up.

I don't know if he's out of the hospital yet. But should be getting out soon if not already.

The main thing is he's gona be ok.

Posted: August 16th, 2008, 1:30 pm
by teemtrubble
That's cool I'm glad to here that...