Huge dead snake

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Huge dead snake

Post by iggys-amsoil »

This guy on supermoto forum this by a power plant. HUGE!! ... _snake.flv
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Post by TYSTYX »

Shit !!!! I actually jumped in my chair :lol:
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Post by lewisclan »

that was cool
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Post by teemtrubble »

TYSTYX wrote:Shit !!!! I actually jumped in my chair :lol:
hahahaha me too!

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Post by iggys-amsoil »

teemtrubble wrote:
TYSTYX wrote:Shit !!!! I actually jumped in my chair :lol:
hahahaha me too!
:lol: Gotcha :lol: and so did I :lol:
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Post by pstoffers »

iggys-amsoil wrote:
teemtrubble wrote:
TYSTYX wrote:Shit !!!! I actually jumped in my chair :lol:
hahahaha me too!
:lol: Gotcha :lol: and so did I :lol:

Its hard not too :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by MICK »

Gosh I don't know what kind of snake that was? Other than it wasn't venemous. Funny video :lol:

I still jump at work when a non venemous snake strikes me or I'm feeding the Pit Vipers with tongs. I don't know if I'll ever grow out of that embarrasing habit.
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Post by iggys-amsoil »

The only time I never jumped was because he caught me looking at his tail. Which was at the other end of the bath tub. Oh and another, I was looking out in the yard. Both times my fault. :?
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Post by roost251 »

that is good,

Here is one that you can try on your "loved ones", lol this is a video of it happening, You know deep down the kid thought is was funny, or not , lol

google scary maze for the actual game for "friends"
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Post by MICK »

Awww...poor little guy. Makes me wanna give the chubby kid a hug.

Iggy you into Herpetology?
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Post by iggys-amsoil »

Sort of, I've had mostly Green Iguanas since 15 and was able to get some to breed about 10 years ago. Only one hatching that turned out to be mean as shit. Probably cause I didn't handle him enough when he was young?

Now there all gone and I'm done. Form time to time I still miss my big 14' Burmesse but having her for 29 years will do that.
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Post by MICK »

Wow! she was a big girl :shock: Nice old age of 29 too, that really says a lot about how well you took care of her. I don't hear of many large restrictors living past 20-23 years.

We've got a 9' Dumeril Boa and two 7' Red Tail Boas. Very easy going animals. And a pain in the ass to get out of fences :lol:

And as of two months ago we just recieved a Water Monitor. About 3.5' long right now, so he's just a juvenile. But an absolute pig when it comes to feeding! Like your Iguana I'm affraid that if we don't start handling him more often and station training him in a couple years he'll be too aggressive to handle. He's a handfull already.

Reptiles kick ass...Not as loveable as say dogs and cats. But shit loads more exciting to care for and handle.
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Post by TYSTYX »

I used to keep Caiman......bought the babies for 60 bucks a pop at a local reptile shop .......but they would grow mean even when handled alot and once they reached about 2 1/2 feet I would trade them in for a couple of baby ones again. I couldnt count how many times i got bit......pre-molded plastic fish ponds from Home Depot made perfect habitats for them.
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Post by iggys-amsoil »

I had a Red tail too for a long time then traded him for a male Burmesse the one that bit me on my right forarm carrying him to the backyard for feeding. An hour before that I picked up the cat so I had sent all over me. Thats one rule/unwritten law I broke. :? He wasn't letting go either. Hmmm what to do, so I put him down on the grass another 40 feet from the garage door, went back to get the rabbit, made sure he had it and by the time I got into the kitchen the trail of blood was dripping off my elbow. The way he had me was odd as I could feel a tooth nearly down to the bone. :shock: I had this freaky feeling to like I needed to go to the hospitol and had to tell myself not poisonous, not poisonous, not poisonous.

The male Igg's can be very aggressive. My breeder wasn't to bad towards me. All I had to do was pull into the garage and I'm still sitting in the car and he would rear up and bob his head. We use to get into some bobing contests and I just laughed and say Ha ha your in a cage. However he did actullay break the arm of one of the females and bit the hell out of her rear leg once to the point of probably needing stitches but it heeled on its own.

She was 7' when I got her in Nov 78 so I'm guessing 35-36 y old.
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The one eating the rabbit is the one that tried to eat me.
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Post by MICK »

Iggy did you feed him live feeder rabbits from the pet store, or did you purchase frozen meals in bulk? Our team cares for several animals and it's difficult for us to keep live prey for them. So most of the time they get thawd out rats and mice. I did purchase traps at the store to capture wild rabbits because they're so abundant around here. And so on average twice a week the Easterns or Boas get fresh meat :lol:
A list of the reptiles we have:
3 Red Rats (corn snakes)
2 Grey Rats (oak snake)
2 Black Racers
5 Coach Whips
2 Hog Noses (Puff Adder)
2 Pine Snakes (Bull Snakes)
1 California King Snake
2 Red Tail Boas
1 Dumeril Boa
2 Dusky Pigmy Rattlesnakes
2 Southern Copperheads
4 Water Moccasins (Cotten Mouths)
3 Timber Rattlesnakes (Banded Rattlesnakes)
6 Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnakes
1 Northern Mohave Rattlesnake
1 Mohave Desert Sidewinder
2 King Cobras
1 Water Monitor
4 American Alligators

We've kept several Coral Snakes in the past. But species that feed on such a narrow scope of prey are hard to keep in captivity. The corals will only eat other small snakes and the Hog Noses only eat cold blooded prey like toads. So those animals have a high mortality rate with us.

TYSTYX, our baby gators are getting that way. Our larger one named Tyrone is getting too big for his britches. We also keep them in a small seperate pond we purchased at Lowes or the Home Depot.

Before his death, Steve Irwin used to spend a week with our Reptile Team every year. He said we had the most well kept reptiles in North America. There was an Episode of "The Crocodile Hunter" that he did with us at Camp James E. Rudder. Some of you may have seen it. "The Ranger episode" back in like 2000-2001? Anyways, we have a comemorative plaque his wife sent to us that we keep in our lounge. She said he was a big fan of ours. I guess there aren't a lot of militarys that have a volunteer reptile team. I'm glad I get to be apart of it for the 3-4 years that I'll be here.

If you google 6th RTB Reptile Team you'll find newspaper and magazine articles/photos. I just did a bunch last month so I'm patiently waiting to see myself in something.
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Post by iggys-amsoil »

Wow thats quite a list.

Are the Mojave's the Mojave' greens? There the ones that are feared the most in these parts.

I always fed mine live rabbits unless I couldn't get'em, then frozen. People would ask why not breed them, "cause the cost of food out weighs the cost of buying them." In your case frozen is the way to go.

The college near here has plenty of rabbits so in the summer I would get my lunch, hold a french fry in one hand while having the other on top. Once the rabbit took a bite I nabbed them with the other hand. I wasn't fast enough unless I have one hand on top of the other.

Yeah I've tried to keep Chucka Wallas and Leppard lizards, it just dosen't work cause the food they eat. I had one Leppard lizard that finally ate like 20 mealworms at one time only to throw them up and never ate again. When my parents took me to Plam Springs on weeks I would catch as many Desert Iguanas, Whip tails as I could and sell them to the pet shop for $2.00 ea. That was when it was legal. Man those Whip Tails are fast and did good in captivity. 17 mph for a lizard and 21 mph for the Zebra tails, Zebras were impossible to catch. I think got maybe two in those years. Its cool to see them curl there tail like a scorpion because of the heat. Now if I could ride like a Zebra tail ran I could bet Stewert no problem. Those things don't care what the hell is in the way.

Yeah I miss Irwin too, even though I'm not into crocs. I wonder how Bindy and mom are doing these days. :lol:
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Post by Travis »

While we are on the subject of Huge Dead snakes, take a look at this....

This is not my car and not someone I know but I got it in an email. Crazy Stuff...






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Post by Power_Stand »

That puts poo in your pants, cool
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Re: Wicked

Post by Travis »

Power_Stand wrote:That puts poo in your pants, cool
I bet it did after the fan belt broke and whoever raised the hood to see that monster laying there. :shock:

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Post by MICK »

Ouch! Looks like somebody's pet got loose...

The Mojoves we have aren't the greens. The sidewinder as you may know is pretty small, very lightly colored (almost albino), and has absurdly large horns above it's eyes. Moves along the ground sideways and burries itself under the sand to ambush it's prey from beneath. It's camouflage pattern is triangular, similar to a Diamondback's. Pretty much isolated to SoCal and Western AZ. The Mojave Rattler is much more widespread from Mexico thru Cali. About twice the size of a Sidewinder, adults can reach a length of four feet. It's got stripped or banded camouflage patterns like a Timber Rattlesnake. Very large flat head in comparison to it's body. Super pissed off and an extremely pro active hunter. It produces a presynaptic neurotoxin that causes coagulopathy at the bite site and often mild paralysis, collapse and convulsions. Our Mojave Rattler is the most intimidating snake we have. It's never been physically handled before.
The neat thing about the Mojave Rattler and Eastern Diamondbacks (but moreso the Mojave) is they continuously track you. Never let you out of their radar for a moment. Impossible to sneak up on and surprise, they have a very keen sense of situational awareness.
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Re: Wicked

Post by TYSTYX »

Travis wrote:
Power_Stand wrote:That puts poo in your pants, cool
I bet it did after the fan belt broke and whoever raised the hood to see that monster laying there. :shock:

Hell know they jumped back at least ten feet upon opening the hood :lol:
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Post by britincali »

Serpentine belt :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by MICK »

A couple weeks ago I let some of our Coach Whips go because we had so many. I put one in a guy's Dodge Caliber on a Friday. Next monday he's telling everybody his weekends drinking incident. Seems he passed out in his car in the parking lot. Woke up to a snake on his face and shit his pants. Literally, lost his alcohol induced asshole vomit into his kakis. Snakes...they have a way of bringing out the best in people :lol:
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Post by teemtrubble »


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Post by iggys-amsoil »

britincali wrote:Serpentine belt :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
MICK wrote:A couple weeks ago I let some of our Coach Whips go because we had so many. I put one in a guy's Dodge Caliber on a Friday. Next monday he's telling everybody his weekends drinking incident. Seems he passed out in his car in the parking lot. Woke up to a snake on his face and shit his pants. Literally, lost his alcohol induced asshole vomit into his kakis. Snakes...they have a way of bringing out the best in people :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

That reminds me, one morning long ago when I lived in a two bedroom apartment and the serps had the run of the place. I get up goto the referg. I hear a weesing behind me, look up to see Schmedder on top of the ferig and the other on top of the oven behind. Ya my eyes got big for a second.
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