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Posted: August 4th, 2008, 10:23 am
by lewisclan

Posted: August 4th, 2008, 10:24 am
by lewisclan
1500 yards out,

This is a highly trained American sniper with his 50 caliber rifle which is his best friend. His assignment is to protect the 'Green Zone' in Baghdad, Iraq (basical his job is prevent the terrorists from sneaking into the compound).

Below, we see Achmed.

One day Achmed tried to breach the perimeter and got tagged

from 1500 yards out before he could do any mischief. Note the vest laden with explosives!

Achmed won't be doing this shit anymore...

Posted: August 4th, 2008, 10:28 am
by pstoffers
:cry: you must be a member :cry:

Posted: August 4th, 2008, 11:06 am
by Ported&Polished
Sounds interesting, can you make it work for us that can't get logged in?

Posted: August 4th, 2008, 11:11 am
by AlisoBob
Look in Wally World....

Posted: August 4th, 2008, 4:46 pm
I can't log in to watch the video :(

The Green Zone is an entire section of Baghdad, say ten or fifteen square blocks of city the coalition has fenced up to use as their own. I'd think it was a lot closer than 1500 yards...a lot closer. Baghdad is a huge city, you can't see 1000 yards from any place. Maybe 1000 meters? Most static shots are taken 200-400 meters out. And a light 50? It doesn't penetrate between the eyes as much as it just removes the head form the shoulders. But like I said, I didn't see the vid so I'm only speculating. Sounds cool though. Can you email it to me?

Posted: August 4th, 2008, 6:46 pm
by JBaze
MICK wrote:I can't log in to watch the video :(

The Green Zone is an entire section of Baghdad, say ten or fifteen square blocks of city the coalition has fenced up to use as their own. I'd think it was a lot closer than 1500 yards...a lot closer. Baghdad is a huge city, you can't see 1000 yards from any place. Maybe 1000 meters? Most static shots are taken 200-400 meters out. And a light 50? It doesn't penetrate between the eyes as much as it just removes the head form the shoulders. But like I said, I didn't see the vid so I'm only speculating. Sounds cool though. Can you email it to me?
Although, the military uses ball ammo according to the Geneva Convention. The round doesn't expand like a wad cutter, or what ever we may hunt with. Ball pretty much makes a single hole. After seeing the picture, I think I would buy it. Although I have never been to Bagdad, it's hard to tell about the range, but the Barret is supposed to be good for 5000 meter shots.

Posted: August 5th, 2008, 2:25 pm
The M82A1 and it's predacessors (82A1M/A3, M90/95/99) can send a round 5000 meters down range, but it's a combination of the glass and operators ability that puts hot steel on target. All things considered, our light 50s have a point target of 1000 meters, area target of 1500 and maximum effective standoff of 1800+ meters. All personnel shots are considered point targets. Last I heard, a young sniper from Canada smoked a Taliban soldier from about 2400 meters out for the record!
What happens when the M33 .50 cal. round passes at 860 mps through your flesh is magnificent. The force of impact collapses your head like a wet paper bag. The momentum of the round has caused it to heat up so much it liquifies your brains. It's not only the steel jacket itself but the sonic waves it produces that do damage. The low pressure around the tail of the round will pull some of your face and all of your insides out the back of your head. When this round passes between your eyes. What your face used to look like can only be left to the imagination.
Now I say this because many a war story gets blown out of proportion. I'm guilty of it myself :lol: everybody is. If there is much left of a targets head after the shot, the round was probably 7.62, which is much more commonly used in our M21/24s.
On a final note, any shot between the eyes is a wonderfull shot. And whoever it was, regardless of weapon gets my knod of approval. Neck and head shots are very difficult whether it be 10 meters or 1500. Whoever the marksman is, was on it that day :cool:

Posted: August 5th, 2008, 3:55 pm
by JBaze
MICK wrote:The M82A1 and it's predacessors (82A1M/A3, M90/95/99) can send a round 5000 meters down range, but it's a combination of the glass and operators ability that puts hot steel on target. All things considered, our light 50s have a point target of 1000 meters, area target of 1500 and maximum effective standoff of 1800+ meters. All personnel shots are considered point targets. Last I heard, a young sniper from Canada smoked a Taliban soldier from about 2400 meters out for the record!
What happens when the M33 .50 cal. round passes at 860 mps through your flesh is magnificent. The force of impact collapses your head like a wet paper bag. The momentum of the round has caused it to heat up so much it liquifies your brains. It's not only the steel jacket itself but the sonic waves it produces that do damage. The low pressure around the tail of the round will pull some of your face and all of your insides out the back of your head. When this round passes between your eyes. What your face used to look like can only be left to the imagination.
Now I say this because many a war story gets blown out of proportion. I'm guilty of it myself :lol: everybody is. If there is much left of a targets head after the shot, the round was probably 7.62, which is much more commonly used in our M21/24s.
On a final note, any shot between the eyes is a wonderfull shot. And whoever it was, regardless of weapon gets my knod of approval. Neck and head shots are very difficult whether it be 10 meters or 1500. Whoever the marksman is, was on it that day :cool:

You are 150% correct sir. That was the point I was trying make, I just can't do a very good job making it sound good. One thing about a round like that, if you get em in the head or in the chest or in the arm, got um! I would still like to try it out on deer or elk!

Posted: August 5th, 2008, 5:00 pm
JBaze wrote: I would still like to try it out on deer or elk!
:lol: The meat would be terrible afterwards. Tenderized would you say?

Posted: August 5th, 2008, 5:07 pm
by JBaze
If you hit em just right you sure as hell wouldn't have to do alot of cleaning!

Some info

Posted: August 5th, 2008, 7:12 pm
by exackery
Just to clear things up regarding the metric system. A meter is longer than a yard --> 39.4 inches versus 36 inches. Therefore 5000 meters is 5 kilometers and there are 1.6 kilometers in a mile so 5000 m = 3.1 miles
1000 meters = 5/8 of a mile

Posted: August 6th, 2008, 12:13 am
by ou812
Just to clear things up
Dude that ain't possible, the forces that be that running the USA are one of the last hold outs in the world that don't work by the metric system. Conversion from round number is just plain dumb, George you listening?


Posted: August 6th, 2008, 6:35 pm
[quote="lewisclan"]CAUTION THIS IS VERY GRAFFIC ... en-US&v=rr[/

Linkie NO workie....

Posted: August 17th, 2008, 6:25 pm
I'm quite sure I've found the picture. On go figure...
And I have to say that given my initail doubt as to the caliber of the weapon, distance and location. I beleive now with 100% curtainty it was .50 caliber. I have to say I didn't take the subject of the message literally :lol: But when it says "Right betweent the eyes" that's exactly what it means. And what you see is what happens when a large caliber round produces intercranial pressures greater than can be tolerated. His eyes still being in the sockets makes me almost think it was 7.62, but I haven't seen that round open a cranium up in this manner.

If you're interested:

Posted: August 17th, 2008, 8:58 pm
by lewisclan
rotten is wicked I dont go there

Posted: August 17th, 2008, 11:02 pm
by britincali
lewisclan wrote:rotten is wicked I dont go there

X 15674839449

Thats one sick site :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Posted: August 18th, 2008, 5:58 am
by lewisclan
shit chris thats fricken sick,you need to change your avatar

Posted: August 18th, 2008, 8:05 am
by britincali
I like it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: August 18th, 2008, 8:31 am
by lewisclan
it dosent look like your goat does, but if you like it keep it on your computer at work

Posted: August 18th, 2008, 8:47 am
by britincali
Im posting from the work computer rite now :D