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Future Politicians!

Posted: July 2nd, 2008, 10:02 am
by teemtrubble
Two of my kids Conner and Cory whom some of you know are great kids just 11 year old boys and have been involved with their Student body at school and are fasinated by Goverment in their own way. Both kids work here at the shop for some spending money they both made $20.00 on Monday. Conner who was the Student Body President say's to me a "I think I'm gonna be a Democrat so I can help people have a home and food to eat" and I tell him that's awesome...My wife was shocked. So last night we all go to Jamba juice there is this bum out side a displaced camper I believe is the politically correct term they use these days. So I tell Conner to give Cory his twenty dollars and after some why's and blah, blah, blah's he does and I tell Cory to go give it to the bum. Conner say's "Dad why did you make me do that can't he get his own job?" and I told him "I'm being a Democrat!" Cory and I are laughing... Conner say's "That's Crap!" and my wife says to me"Were you raised by the Devil?" hahahahaha

Posted: July 2nd, 2008, 12:10 pm
by dannygraves
HAHAHA :lol: :lol:

Posted: July 2nd, 2008, 12:24 pm
by redrocket190
Good one, Dad.

Posted: July 2nd, 2008, 3:17 pm
by teemtrubble
So my exwife calls me this morning say's "Can you look at my car" I tell her yeah just bring it by. She shows up at about 1:00 and says "It's making a funny noise" winds up one of the rear shocks is broken so I call and order a set of shocks. Meanwhile my wife shows up with the boys and brings me some lunch... it's not what your thinking were all good friends. So were sitting in the office all talking, I'm eating and the shocks show up my ex goes to pay the driver and is short so she asks me if she can borrow a little money "sure no problem" so I hand Conner some money to give to her and as he hands her the money he say's "Are you a Democrat?" Fuck I just about choked on my sandwich my Dr. pepper came out my nose and I thought I shit my pants all at the same time! My wife say's to me "That's nice see what your teaching the boy's" and I say "Yeah isn't it great!" she then tells the boy's "Your Dad won't go to hell because the Devil's affraid he'll take over!" hahahahahhahahahahaha

Posted: July 2nd, 2008, 4:15 pm
by dannygraves
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: July 2nd, 2008, 8:23 pm
by sabreguy
Now that's funny!!!!