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Vet X - Glen Helen - April 6th

Posted: April 7th, 2008, 7:14 am
by redrocket190
Did my first modern motocross yesterday with Vet-X at Glen Helen. A day of ups and down as you will see. First up a big thank you to Iggy for help and hospitality during the day, especially dealing with the as ever hard-starting bike. The track was typical Glen Helen; nicely groomed 5th gear start, two huge hills, couple of cool step-ups, and lots of soft wiggly bits. Later on there were plenty of nice berms, deep ruts and lots and lots of bumps. Practice was OK, I stalled twice stepping up into a tight turn, but otherwise kept a reasonable pace. First race I got trigger-happy and hit the gate which gave everyone a head start but got into 3rd when some guy torpedoed Iggy in a tight turn. Then faded back two spots. Second race I got a slow cautious start but the 500 just hauled down to the first corner - probably went from 14th to around 5th on power alone. Iggy did even better and was right in front of me. I was lucky to sneak by him up one of the hills and finished the 1st lap in 2nd - 9s faster than Moto 1. Then the WTF factor kicked in and I lost the front end not once but twice just to make sure. Picking your bike up in sand sucks! So we ended 5-7 on the day, Iggy had a much better Moto 2 and went 7-3. Need to drop my Brit approach to fitness and at least practice some like Iggy does. And clean the jetting up - it's too rich. And learn the "find where the reeds are closing" starting drill! Cahuilla Creek next.

Posted: April 7th, 2008, 7:23 am
by sabreguy
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Posted: April 7th, 2008, 7:47 am
by Hellbear
sabreguy wrote::cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Posted: April 7th, 2008, 8:52 am
by britincali
Very :cool:

I think its bitchin so many members of this site actually get together and hit it :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Posted: April 7th, 2008, 9:32 am
by lewisclan

Posted: April 7th, 2008, 4:37 pm
by iggys-amsoil
Ya Red we certinly had enough drama for that one. Both beasts got cold between motos and it was choke on to start them. I like to take a lap around a vet track or in this case up the hill behind the REM track to get her warm enough and cleared out. At the start of the second moto Red comes to me and I know what he needed without him saying a word, so I run over get the bike started and run back. Ok now I'm out of breath, but man! I gota get me mates bike started. Good gate pick too, right next to the dog house so the bike could lean on it. :lol:

Moto 1; Got tangled up with one in the Beg 250-450F class after the back step up on the second lap. The right bar got wedged between the tire and air box, cost me a minute:10. Good things were loose enough to move instead of breaking off. But the kid came over later on and was a good sportman about it. But it was partly my fault cause I cut across the track from left to right after a small step up. Hell I thought all the fast guys were ahead of me. :shock: Q is, What are they doing in this race? I hope this doesn't cost me for the series ending. Anyway, fun layout, cool doing the hill to the top, and finished third in the second moto.

Looking back on the second moto, I wanted to finish ahead of #111 because we seem to go back and forth on finishes and we were in different class' for awhile and haven't raced against each other for about a year now. Anyway what I'm getting at is I found a smoother line on the far left of the big down hill. Now it was just a matter of not taking him out once we got to the bottom. Now mind you this down hill has breaking bumps from the bottom all the way to about the last twenty feet at the top. :shock: Cool I did it. :lol: Then it was on to the step up and I was gone. :lol:

7-3 5th overall but third in points so far.

See ya at Cahuilla. So far going Sunday as early as I can get there. Probably around 11:00am. ... =105&c=179

Also Admin: please move this to the race results section, thanks :wink:

Posted: April 10th, 2008, 5:31 pm
by iggys-amsoil
Here is some footage of this race. Hmmm.... I wonder what RR wants. Look for a pan shot from right to left, at first were together then we see his bike is leaning against the dog house, then the gate drops for the start. By the time I got into Talledga I was like fifth. Went in there pretty hot to where I stalled it briefly but clicking her down into fourth took care of that. :lol: 444 is my bud over the step up. Dam that's a fun jump. :lol: