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2 Billion Dollar Hiccup....

Posted: February 24th, 2008, 5:09 pm
by AlisoBob
$1.2 billion down the drain. (Or as much as $2 billion, depending on who you ask.) Thank God the pilots are okay.

Some perspective: there were 21 B-2s. Now there are 20 -- a roughly 5-percent reduction in an instant.

In terms of airframes, that's the equivalent of 30 F-15s crashing at the same time, or 60 F-16s, or 6 F-22s.

In terms of money, that's equivalent to 20 F-15s, 24 F-16s or 10 F-22s.


Posted: February 24th, 2008, 6:46 pm
by lewisclan
Ouch :cry:

Posted: February 24th, 2008, 10:14 pm
by ouch360
BIG POOPIES !!!!! that freekin sucks - glad I aint in maintance any more. We had over 40 (sorry cant say the exact #) F16's at my last base and we had one go down over seas and they were all hangered for a week just incase. Then we had work to do when they could fly again IT SUCKED. Glad the pilots are ok.