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New member MI

Posted: June 27th, 2012, 3:18 pm
by 1st500r
Hello all, been lurking a little while. I have an 84 cr5 I call "pile o parts". Picked it knowing it needed work but didn't know how neglected it was. Former owner left it outside uncovered without the seat. Rain ran into the airbox leaked past the reeds through the carb and down the crank,rod and cylnder. Leaving rusty cruddy shtuff all over the crank assy. Oh yea the cylinder is on it's last bore and 7thou over at top and 17thou over at bottom. The PC pipe is rusted out on top next to the engine. It came with all new cassis bearings and a brand new DG pipe. Hellova project uh. Good thing I have a 94 cr2 to ride. Just picked up a gen 1 cr2 with 1/2 an engine to put my "extra" 94 cr2 engine in. Also toying with the idea of stuffing a 79 yz4 finner in a 92-96 cr2 until funds for the 5hundy pile up!Image[/img]