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What to do...what to do?

Posted: May 4th, 2011, 1:52 pm
by Tharrell
Well, let's think about this.
Bin Laden found in Pakistan.
100 yards from their military academy.
Pakistan has been playing us since the beginning, I could feel it.
It was no surprise to me.
I'd venture a bet ALL of the top tier players are there somewhere in Pakistan.
Now, Obama will not release the kill shot photos or any video of the raid or the burial for fear it will enrage the muslim people.
That's possible but, they really don't need an excuse.
Besides, who gives a fuck?
If they want it, we got it.
I say check your ammo and release the photos and better yet, the video.
Hit us with your best shot.
They aren't going to stop just because we killed this asshole.
Meanwhile, we have a plan to turn Pakistan into a giant sheet of glass and take them out of the equation once, for all and forever.

We need to be respected yes but, we need to be feared most of all.
We need a general like Patton or a leader that can command men..

What would I have done?
Fed his ass to some big ass hogs, they'll eat anything.
Video taped and broadcast around the world.
Then I'd package the hog shit and drop it on that fucking Saudi Arabia.
Damn I hate this fucked up nigger in the white house.

I want to see that fucking Bin Laden's head blown open.

Posted: May 4th, 2011, 4:05 pm
by Tharrell
Dead assholes, but no Bin Laden........yet.





Posted: May 4th, 2011, 8:23 pm
by Kuma
I'ts a fake, but hey that's what we want to see :lol:

Posted: May 5th, 2011, 6:13 am
by Roostius_Maximus
dont get me wrong, didnt make this, seen it thismorning


Posted: May 5th, 2011, 12:09 pm
by Tharrell
I just got back from getting tires put on my truck.
I was outside burning one when the service guy pulls up with a customers car he had just finished.
On the back was an Obama/Biden sticker.
I hadn't seen one in probably a year.
When the guy came out I said, "Some asshole slapped an Obama sticker on your car man!"
He was the one who put it there and I knew that.
Anyway, a short, curt conversation ensued.
I didn't get nasty with him and I'm surprised at my own self discipline.
I'm sure he get's comments like that all the time.
It was fun.

Posted: May 5th, 2011, 2:26 pm
by britincali
:lol: :lol: :lol: