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donald trump

Posted: April 16th, 2011, 7:50 am
by 100hp honda
said the other day on tv that barak obama is the worst president in US history. i couldnt agree more. trump insists that nigga still dont have a legitimate US birth certificate. F U barak you piece of shit

Posted: April 16th, 2011, 8:44 am
by AlisoBob
Glen says he has hard honing stones, but wont show them... right?

Obama has spent 3 million dollars in legal fee's to avoid showing his birth certificate.

You do the math.

The media gives Obama a pass on this everydaqy, and calls the "Birthers" kooks.....

Yet Obama could settle this whole thing in 2 seconds....... but wont. It goes on, and on,and on.

Its the greatest hoax in U.S. history.


I also laugh when they call him "Black".

His mon was 100% white, so he's 50% white already.

His dad is mixed.... He was born in Kenya, but his family all come from the Jaluo ethnic group, which is from the Sudan. He's more closely related to dark skinned Arabs, than african blacks.....

So Obama is 50% white, 35% arab, and 15% black.

The KKK once said ..... "If your 1% black, your black!!!" and were called racist for it. I guess they knew what they were talking about all along.

:?: :?: :?:

Posted: April 16th, 2011, 9:13 am
by pstoffers
Sonny Barger For President!!!!!!!!


Posted: April 18th, 2011, 7:59 am
by hoofarted
I agree with Trump also. I have a feeling he will run - just hope he can resist all the "influence" from special interest groups. He cant be bought - has plenty of dough as it is.

I wonder what would REALLY happen if it was exposed that Obama was really NOT a US citizen.

Posted: April 18th, 2011, 8:37 am
by AlisoBob
I think the birth certificate shows DUAL citizenship ( Kenya + US ) Thats enough to bounce him right there.

Posted: April 18th, 2011, 12:40 pm
by NightBiker07
Dont forget, Trump IS a pretty liberal guy when it comes to social issues (like guns).

Financially, there arent too many people that would be better than him, the guy obviously knows how to make an organization run profitably.

Posted: April 18th, 2011, 1:07 pm
by britincali
NightBiker07 wrote:the guy obviously knows how to make an organization run profitably.

The ONLY thing trump has ever made money on is real estate, all of his businesses, casino's and golf courses have been money pits.

The only reason he got into real estate they way he did was using daddys money.

Posted: April 18th, 2011, 2:16 pm
by kdizzle
I know DT is an intelligent man, and probably has more intelligent people working for him than I, but i just cant seem to figure out why he is going after this birther thing, as i dont see what he has to gain. Only to lose face and look like a fool if BO is indeed proved to be a citizen (IMO opinion we will never find out the truth). Even if he leads the witch hunt and is correct it doesnt really guarantee him the White House.

Say BO is indeed an alien and was not legally allowed to run or be elected president. We cant go back in time and make it all better? the guy has been in for over half a term. they are not going to repeal obamacare and take back the bailout money even if he was found to be an alien. The only thing i can see happening is that idiot Joe Biden is tapped for the job. I dont think anyone wants that.

If trump was smart, he would focus on a hardcore financial agenda and straightforward plan to help the g'ment get its books straight and ge tthe nation back on track as a world leader in tech, education, and finacially; then heavily market this "cure" to the american people.

I dont know if i would vote for him, especially if Romney enters the race.. but i agree lets get some fresh american entreprenuer (sp?) blood to run the country like a profitable biz that takes care of its employees rather than the career politician scum we have grown accustomed too...