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Westboro Bullshit Church

Posted: March 14th, 2011, 4:14 pm
by Tharrell
Can you believe these assholes?
Protesting the funerals of 7 children who recently died in a house fire?
I mean how many of these assholes are there?
You can double tap everyone with a single clip I'm sure.
That's what it's going to take to stop them I'm afraid.
If wishes came true, I would transport their sorry asses to Somalia or some other god forsaken place just as inviting.
Can't we have free speech and respect at the same time?
Apparently, no.
I'm hot on these assholes.
They wouldn't make it to the funeral if it were up to me.
The problem is, the FBI is probably all over them and nobody would have a chance to get close enough to dissolve their bodies in acid and flush their sorry asses down to the septic tank.
I don't pray for world peace, I pray for a savior from assholes like these with the intelligence to get away with it.

Here it is:

Showing no discernible limit to their insensitivity, and seemingly eager to puff out their chests in the wake of their recent Supreme Court victory, the Westboro Baptist Church issued a press release stating they plan to protest at the funeral of the seven Clouse children killed in a tragic fire in Perry County this week. The release is full of bluster over their Supreme Court victory and claims the fire was a result of God's wrath for Pennsylvania. After all, isn't that where the man who sued them for protesting his son's funeral and inititiated a landmark free speech case resides? The release is replete with misinformation about the circumstances of the fire, claiming Mr.Clouse was asleep in his truck during the fire.

Perry County District Attorney Charles Chenot has notified the State Police of Westboro's announcement and says there will be a police presence at the funerals. He also says he cannot fathom why the Westboro Baptists would want to protest. "This is a family that's Christian in their beliefs and certainly shouldn't conflict with the beliefs of the Westboro Baptist Church," said Chenot.

The Clouse family is making funeral arrangements today for the seven children lost in the fire Tuesday night

Posted: March 14th, 2011, 6:25 pm
by redrocket190
This is neither political nor religious. It is a whack job family with legal background who is trying to engineer a situation where they can sue for financial compensation for a civil rights violation. The solution would seem to be the citizenry getting involved rather than the government and sending a "you're not welcome here" message. I think I read there's a group of bikers (maybe vets) that have been dealing with these folks when they turn up a military funerals.

Posted: March 14th, 2011, 6:30 pm
by NightBiker07
They are near my girlfriend, they have been dealing with these clowns for a while.....i dont understand what there is to protest at a childrens funeral...