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Is your kid Student Of The Month? Beat up Student Of The Month? Lets hear all about it!
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Post by caseyracing222 »

britincali wrote:I had a DR350 for a year or so and well.... it was um......

(trying to put this nicely)


Really heavy, squishy wallowy suspension, horrible starter, even worse to start when you dropped it, shit down low power, revved its balls off with no power up top, really heavy, garbage gear selector design that would eventually lock in gear and ruin cases, weird 3 piece swingarm.

Only good thing was it sipped gas and you could ride for 4-5 years on the 3 gal tank. Did I mention it was heavy?

I bought the bike as a starter wir the wife and in all honesty was the worse bike I could have picked for her, my YZ490 was easier to start.
Agreed! trust me these bikes are more of a pain then there worth. I would get an xr400 instead more power

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