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Posted: September 21st, 2009, 8:46 am
by Exnav

Posted: September 21st, 2009, 9:17 am
by "SOLID Bro!!"
thestuz wrote: ... re=related .housewife from new jersy, this is for you!
thestuz wrote: ... re=related .housewife from new jersy, this is for you!

I just can't believe this video, as everybody knows the Leftist Media hates any War and Bush, and loves free stuff and Obama.

Why in the would and embedded reporter from CBS (lefties) not report something like this. after all these people will give up our own CIA operatives and our national security just to bury any conservative.
All in the name of human rights for Terrorists and there rights to have a Koran. The John Adams Project ... 80403.html

These "troops" need to be charged for treason not war crimes. As they are not fit to be in our Military. You pulled the trigger. It's on you.

Don't try to make yourself feel better by saying that you were told to do it. You were not, You were asked for a clean kill of a Terrorists or insurgent not an innocent. You made the choice. If you are struggling with your mental demons it's because you did it just to get that first kill or just to fit in.

Well I just signed up to get out of this rut of a life I was in.
I didn't ever think I would have to go to war.

Cindy Shehan is a perfect example Why would you let your young man or woman go into the Military even if the chance is remote, you must be prepared for the death of that person.

Typical of society today no accountability for ones own actions.

Believe what you want but you don't have all the facts and you never will. There will always be multiple out comes to every story. It just depends on your views.

Posted: September 21st, 2009, 9:24 am
by Tayler89
I, like most, was intrigued by the conspiracy claims. I have seen several documentaries and read from countless resources regarding conspiracies. I have also made a point of watching and reading other explanations. What I found was that the conspiracies offered very little FACTUAL evidence. Sure they presented stuff that peaked my interest, but nothing that could be proven...and much of it could be debunked by physics or other scientific principles.

Was I as intrigued as others regarding the conspiracy....Yes!

Did I jump to conclusions base on my first impressions....No!

I researched, applied science, allowed myself to only be influenced by facts, then made the determination that conspiracies are unlikely.

Here is a popular mechanics article, it took me 30 seconds to find. You might want to read the book also. P.M. is a respected publication that has no history of political bias so it is unlikely they are being bought off or influenced…..but I guess anything is possible. ... tml?page=1

There are countless other resources to be found debunking conspiracy.

You've seen the conspiracy, now search opposing views, give it equal weight, compile all the evidence...then make an educated decision. Until you do that your talking our your ass!

If you still believe it is a conspiriacy state it as an opinion....Stating it as a fact is simply dishonest!

Here is a post from another thread I posted qutie some time ago, I think it applies here also.

I recently was reading some interesting information regarding human nature and statistics that you may or may not find interesting………..Chances are you won’t, but hopefully you’ll understand after I explain.

It is entitled “The Rule of Nine” and it states:

If a person has a preconceived notion about a topic and he/she is presented with clear, factual, empirical evidence to the contrary of that preconceived notion, 8 out of 9 people will continue believing there original perception.

This factual reality scared me, because I don’t want to be that irrational or illogical. So I got to thinking, how can I be sure that I don’t fall into that trap? The realistic answer is to be aware that we/I have this inherent tendency. This awareness now reminds me that I need to go where the facts take me, rather than just be blindly led by unsubstantiated beliefs. I admit it takes quite an effort on my part, but I am determined because I am trying desperately not to be the idiot that being one of the eight would make me.

My suggestion would be to try this technique….It could only help.

Posted: September 21st, 2009, 2:54 pm
by bodger
So taylor Just out of interest why am I an idiot, I’ve had no part of the 911 inside job theory, and that wasn’t part of stuz’s first reply that I yup yuped on.

Or had you already made your mind up on that before this thread.


Posted: September 21st, 2009, 3:34 pm
by Tayler89
bodger wrote:Yup yup yup and yup, you can pretty much take yup to the bank on this one stuz.

The rest of the world just can’t understand America’s blind un-conditional support for Israel; they (Israel) behave like fucking nazi’s but brush off every UN attempt at exposing them as war criminals. They don’t fool anyone outside America but unfortunately there is fuck all anyone else can do. Without a lead from an American president and official American foreign policy nothing will ever change there, the rest of the world just don’t count, the nazis can continue with their atrocities.

Of course you realise you are now a total pariah on this site for speaking the truth, welcome to the club.

This is why.

How much of Islamic history are you aware of? It sounds like you are sympathizing with the Islamic world. Just so you know, Islam has it’s roots in violence, almost from the very beginning. They took/take pride in how brutally and mercilessly they could kill. I have heard it said that Christian extremism is responsible for the Crusades…Not true. Historically, the wars against Islam were a result of Islamic aggression, Christians and Jews merely responded. In the initial battles the Christian armies could have easily wiped out the Muslim armies but chose only to conquer them, with the idea that they would just leave them alone.

My point with all this is that it is against their religion to leave Christians or Jews alone. The Koran specifically tells them to either convert or kill those who will not accept Islam…..and they are to start with Jews and Christians. The Jews can never negotiate because it will literally lead to the death of their people and or country.

What is going on right now is just a continuation of the Crusades if you ask me. Also the Koran also instructs it’s followers to pretend to negotiate and set up peace treaties with it’s enemies only so it has time to build up enough strength to conquer them.

Please do some study on Islam and I think you may change your mind. There is no such thing as a “Moderate Muslim” unless they are referring to someone who doesn’t follow their own Koran.

The US support of Israel is because we share a common enemy bent on our annihilation...yours too it they get us!

Posted: September 21st, 2009, 3:41 pm
by Exnav
Tayler - What a well thought out and written reply.......please continue to educate and enlighten. Of course logic and facts are long forgotten in message board world, but it's good to see once in awhile. :lol:

Posted: September 21st, 2009, 4:59 pm
by bodger
Ok its worse than I thought you are living in the dark ages, oh and most of the crusaders were in it for the plunder, kind of like modern crusaders only the plunder now is oil. If you believe it’s about Christians against Islam, who’s swallowed all the propaganda now.

And what is wrong with sympathising with Islamic people if they happen to be as in this case a small country (Palestine) incapable of mounting a real defence against a bunch of Israelis fighting like nazis.

It should come as no supprize to anyone that as a last resort they resort to suicide attacks etc against a superpower backed bunch of invaders who just turned up 60 odd years ago and said get to fuck out of here, we are back after 2000 years and we don’t like living in Europe anymore.

What would you do if the British came and said hay we want what’s rightfully ours and we have god on our side and historic claim to this land so get out.


Posted: September 21st, 2009, 5:46 pm
by Tayler89
bodger wrote:Ok its worse than I thought you are living in the dark ages, oh and most of the crusaders were in it for the plunder, kind of like modern crusaders only the plunder now is oil. If you believe it’s about Christians against Islam, who’s swallowed all the propaganda now.

And what is wrong with sympathising with Islamic people if they happen to be as in this case a small country (Palestine) incapable of mounting a real defence against a bunch of Israelis fighting like nazis.

It should come as no supprize to anyone that as a last resort they resort to suicide attacks etc against a superpower backed bunch of invaders who just turned up 60 odd years ago and said get to fuck out of here, we are back after 2000 years and we don’t like living in Europe anymore.

What would you do if the British came and said hay we want what’s rightfully ours and we have god on our side and historic claim to this land so get out.

I'm sorry, but you're a dumb fuck! "most of the crusaders were in it for the plunder"? The above statement proves how little you know your history. Go try to sell that bullshit to someone who doesn't know better.

Islamic tactics have not changed because of Isreal, same tactics they have always used aganst enemies.

Just so you know the UN gave that land to Israel. If Palesitne doen't like it, they need to take it up with the UN and quit murdering people.

Newsflash....Just because you state something as a fact, doesn't mean it is. Also the people you are sympathzing with would cut your throat in a second if it benifited them. You're to stupid to know that.

Keep talking though, your ignorance becomes more and more evident

Posted: September 21st, 2009, 6:09 pm
by Rosco-Peeko
Water is wet and the sky is blue for the most part.....Satan Clause is out there and getting stronger......

Seriously!? I have looked some of these guys right in the eye (Arabs) over there in the AOR. I do not trust any of those clown's!!!! Nothing is there in the eyes for me to believe that I can trust those smelly bastards. That is not to say all muslims/arabs are bad. When you see the planes land with HR (Coffins with US flags draped over them) the burning rage inside is unreal after the emotion/grief is gone.

These people do not want to be your friend. They want to kill you. To them you are sheep to the slaughter with your ignorance. Want to be friendly Mr. Haji lover...GTFO! Since they use men for pleasure, they might pump you in the ass a few times before they use you for political means then lop your head off.

Ok....I think I am ready for a beer.

Posted: September 21st, 2009, 6:21 pm
by Exnav
Rob bringin' heat. Nice!Image

Posted: September 21st, 2009, 7:24 pm
by bodger
Tayler you keep telling everyone to go look up or find out, so why don’t do the same on the crusaders. Start by finding out what the Arabs called them and why.

Anyway you and I don’t count for shit but Mr Obama has been using words like “occupied” “occupied lands” and illegal settlements, nothing to a great-learned professor like you, but I bet it puts the fear of god into the Israelis.

Rosco I thought you were in another part of the sand box, whole different issues, but as they all see you as an occupying solder what do you expect, they don’t want your freedom; they just want to be free of you. Please don’t take that the wrong way I don’t want to see you or any coalition solders killed or injured but that’s just how all Arabs see it from their side. Damn right I wouldn’t trust any of them if I was over there, and I would never criticise solders on the ground for doing what whatever needs to be done to get home safe, I would.

And how do you know im not a haji and maybe i like it up the ass. can i still be a member?????

Posted: September 21st, 2009, 8:03 pm
by Tayler89
"they don’t want your freedom; they just want to be free of you."

This is where you are dead wrong. Once again you need to study Islam and see what their religious agenda is.

And I do practice what I preach. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, based on what you have said thus far.....I am waayyy more schooled on this subject than you. What the Arabs called the crusaders is irrelevant to what the overall cause of the battles were.

I don't know why I waste my time?

Posted: September 21st, 2009, 9:23 pm
by DesertCR
Taylor I understand that "we" share a common enemy but do you really think they could ever hurt us if we hadnt let them in our countries (us, europe, etc)? Now I'm not the conspiracy type but the only thing I dont get is how the hell could we let these guys pull it off, I mean for christs sake they are CAVEMEN! I remember when 911 happened and Fox news had a story about numerous Israeli's videotaping the airplanes crashing into the towers, those bastards knew. I just dont trust our gov't, just look at what they're doing to us now. I really feel that gov't and the elite in general dont give a shit about us just like they dont about the middle east (arabs). BTW to those who say the Israeli's are our friends, why is it that every time we give them state of the art technology they're trying to sell it to China (think drone planes).

Posted: September 21st, 2009, 10:00 pm
by CR500R7
Exnav wrote:Rob bringin' heat. Nice!Image

Exnav I really like the new Avatar, is that real or a made up picture.

BTW you might know, how long is an aircraft carrier.

Posted: September 21st, 2009, 10:40 pm
by Tayler89

Warning: The following is my opinion only, feel free to disagree

Make no mistake, given the means, they would definitely hurt us. My view of dealing with the Islamic Extremist is to do specific military strikes to eliminate any military equipment that could be used to attack us. Then just leave them alone......until they come up with something else....repeat. Coupled with strict enforcement of our borders, I think we would be fine. I think the liberals and the politically correct would throw a fit over this, but I believe it would keep us safe for the most part.

Those in the US who don't trust the govt. are wise from my perspective. They need to be more politically active and be aware of the implications of their votes and policies they support. The govt is great at masking their agenda behind things that sound wonderful. Anytime you hear “social justice” or “collectively we can” prepare yourself to lose your liberties and the Constitution being violated. The Constitution is violated so often by both parties it’s almost business as usual. The American people are capable of holding them accountable, but it would mean getting off their ass, refuse to adhere to a strict partisan line, educate themselves on policies and their implications, and be activist with regard to insuring the elected comply with their constituents.

That's my problem with health care right now.

No matter your view on it, I would think that the people would want their representatives to represent their constituents. Polling shows the American people do not want govt run health care by a margin of 12 percentage points, but the Democrats are, in effect saying, I don’t care, you'll take what I give you. That's not the American way. I am very worried that our govt admittedly no longer represents us, and tells us what we need, and what we are going to get. Everyone else should be worried too. Even if they agree with health care, what they try to shove down our throats the next time they may not support, not to mention it’s unconstitutional. Slippery slope to get started. In my opinion people should be fighting govt health care for this reason even if they agree with it.

Israel, our friends? Yes, in the sense, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Israel has to be decisive or they cease to exist. Given the military power to back it up keeps the Islamic world in check and benefits us in the long run.

I don’t know anything about selling military tech to China…but if true, it pisses me off.
I also don’t know any thing about Israel knowing anything about 9/11.

Posted: September 22nd, 2009, 12:03 am
by thestuz ... tml?page=1 this site still answers fuck all questions in my opinion. it doesnt acceptibly account for the colapse of building #7, nor for the fact that no body/body parts were found in shanksville. when a coroner walks around for 20 mins and cant find one single remain or body part, ane you gonna tell me the cold wind front blew it all away? and it says the heat was so intense that the pentagon plane melted away into the hallways lol. then how come pictures showing phone books, wooden chairs etc, 4 metres away that dont have any heat damage?? i dont agree with 100% of the claims made about 911, but that site you just showed me doesnt give me fuck all answers either. why did they evacuate the bin laden family too?

Posted: September 22nd, 2009, 12:20 am
by thestuz
lol, yeah ive studdied a little middle east history too. muslims were never a violent people untill christian crusades went over there and murdered them in"the name of god". the WISE christians even burnt down the first known ancient libraries too cos they didnt agree with the contense of the books. iraq was the cradle of civilization. we started killing them before they started killing us. iraq never had alquida before we went in there. and what do you mean there is no such thing as a moderate muslim? your trippin. what, every muslim walks around with a ak47 do they? or are they all secretly plotting right now? ive heard of a lot of finatical christians doin some pretty stupid shit too but i dont paint everyone with the same brush.

Posted: September 22nd, 2009, 12:29 am
by thestuz
watching what the jews do to the palestinians, reminds me of when the nazis did to the jews in the warsaw ghetos. and the big problem is now the israelis keep taking land they are not supposed to. since the 1979 7 day war they have been continuously palestinian land and putting them under embargos starving them of there food. israel now refuses to comply with u.n. resolutions. you can take who evers side you want. at the end of the day america is targeted for its blind support and weapons funding(3 billion/year) to the israelis. believe it or not, its up to you.

Posted: September 22nd, 2009, 12:29 am
by thestuz
and yes the un did just "give the jews the land". maybe theyll just give the palistinians your land too. would that be ok? hell well just let native indians have your land. they can forcivly remove you with no compensation. and if you dont like it, what are you gonna do?? fight back and be a terrorist???

Posted: September 22nd, 2009, 12:54 am
by thestuz
Tayler89 wrote:"they don’t want your freedom; they just want to be free of you."

This is where you are dead wrong. Once again you need to study Islam and see what their religious agenda is.

And I do practice what I preach. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, based on what you have said thus far.....I am waayyy more schooled on this subject than you. What the Arabs called the crusaders is irrelevant to what the overall cause of the battles were.

I don't know why I waste my time?
its like australias "defence force". we call it a "defence force" but all we do is send our soldiers overseas to foreign lands killing foreign people and then wonder why they hate us. it takes a smarter man to walk away from a fight than a stone head that swings before thinking. america spends trillions going over there killing 3rd world people in iraq(that had nothing to do with terrorism/911) thinking theyre heroes for it and all ou are doing is crippling your economy. the was was lost 3 weeks after you went in. you might end up with some oil at the end of it all if your lucky but your gonna have a huge debt, tens of thousands of dead and hundreds of thousand maimed and injured. and 5 years from now when you do the old vietnam cut and run youll end up with a huge refugee problem cos theyre gonna be running to your shores. and if you dont like flag draped coffins then its gonna be a bad 10 years to come. the sooner obama pulls out, the better.

Posted: September 22nd, 2009, 1:08 am
by thestuz
Tayler89 wrote:DesertCR

Warning: The following is my opinion only, feel free to disagree

Make no mistake, given the means, they would definitely hurt us. My view of dealing with the Islamic Extremist is to do specific military strikes to eliminate any military equipment that could be used to attack us. Then just leave them alone......until they come up with something else....repeat. Coupled with strict enforcement of our borders, I think we would be fine. I think the liberals and the politically correct would throw a fit over this, but I believe it would keep us safe for the most part.

Those in the US who don't trust the govt. are wise from my perspective. They need to be more politically active and be aware of the implications of their votes and policies they support. The govt is great at masking their agenda behind things that sound wonderful. Anytime you hear “social justice” or “collectively we can” prepare yourself to lose your liberties and the Constitution being violated. The Constitution is violated so often by both parties it’s almost business as usual. The American people are capable of holding them accountable, but it would mean getting off their ass, refuse to adhere to a strict partisan line, educate themselves on policies and their implications, and be activist with regard to insuring the elected comply with their constituents.

That's my problem with health care right now.

No matter your view on it, I would think that the people would want their representatives to represent their constituents. Polling shows the American people do not want govt run health care by a margin of 12 percentage points, but the Democrats are, in effect saying, I don’t care, you'll take what I give you. That's not the American way. I am very worried that our govt admittedly no longer represents us, and tells us what we need, and what we are going to get. Everyone else should be worried too. Even if they agree with health care, what they try to shove down our throats the next time they may not support, not to mention it’s unconstitutional. Slippery slope to get started. In my opinion people should be fighting govt health care for this reason even if they agree with it.

Israel, our friends? Yes, in the sense, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Israel has to be decisive or they cease to exist. Given the military power to back it up keeps the Islamic world in check and benefits us in the long run.

I don’t know anything about selling military tech to China…but if true, it pisses me off.
I also don’t know any thing about Israel knowing anything about 9/11.
you did that to iraq. you took saddams weapons away, held him under sanctions. but then went in there anyway for no just reason???. and yes the enemy of your enemy is your friend. but if you didnt side with israel, there would never of been an enemy to start with. my prayres go out to all the innocent iraqi/palistinian children/men/women that have lost lives in this war.i dont feel for the fools that go over there to kill them. and i dont feel for the fools that fight for the koran.

Posted: September 22nd, 2009, 7:31 am
by Exnav
CR500R7 wrote:
Exnav wrote:Rob bringin' heat. Nice!Image

Exnav I really like the new Avatar, is that real or a made up picture.

BTW you might know, how long is an aircraft carrier.
It's actually my original pic from when I joined. Trust me it's very real. And as to your question......Image

Posted: September 22nd, 2009, 8:48 am
by Tayler89

I don't know where you get your information...but you have the right to be stupid if you want!

The way Muhammad recruited people into his new religions was by catering to criminals and justifying robbing and time progressed they began conquering tribes, forcing them to become Muslim or die. While this was going on he was writing and justifying this behavior in the Koran. Make no mistake, Islam was spread my the sword!

You dumb fuck!!!

Posted: September 22nd, 2009, 11:35 am
by DesertCR
Taylor is right in the sense Islam was started through violence. Iran would never have been a muslin nation if it wasnt for the arabs pushing up north and forcing their religion and culture on the persians. But my argument is we have allowed them to spread Islam by mass immigration to western lands (virtually all of them, esp Europe). They can do all they want with the Koran back home and it wouldnt bother us a bit but now they reside in our cities/communities. Muslin military's are a joke and arent a threat to us, its now rogue players within our borders that are dangerous. THere has to be some sympathy for Palestinians because they had their land taken away by the British and given to their long time foe. And the weapons used to kill Palestinians are GIVEN to them by the US. Its just a shit deal for them. If you look at America today, it reminds me of the great empires of the past (Greek, Roman) the country is trying to incorporate too many people/cultures within a nation. All of the previous empires fell mainly because of this, only time will tell how our great country stands in the future. Lets hope it never falls like the rest.

Posted: September 22nd, 2009, 11:56 am
by Tayler89
DesertCR wrote:Taylor is right in the sense Islam was started through violence. Iran would never have been a muslin nation if it wasnt for the arabs pushing up north and forcing their religion and culture on the persians. But my argument is we have allowed them to spread Islam by mass immigration to western lands (virtually all of them, esp Europe). They can do all they want with the Koran back home and it wouldnt bother us a bit but now they reside in our cities/communities. Muslin military's are a joke and arent a threat to us, its now rogue players within our borders that are dangerous. THere has to be some sympathy for Palestinians because they had their land taken away by the British and given to their long time foe. And the weapons used to kill Palestinians are GIVEN to them by the US. Its just a shit deal for them. If you look at America today, it reminds me of the great empires of the past (Greek, Roman) the country is trying to incorporate too many people/cultures within a nation. All of the previous empires fell mainly because of this, only time will tell how our great country stands in the future. Lets hope it never falls like the rest.

The weapons used to protect themselves are given by the US.

Once again, the land was given to them....what are they supposed to do? If the Palestinians don't like it, deal with they UN....don't murder people?
I don't understand sympathizing with murder and terrorism on a completely innocent people because they don't like what the UN did. The so called Israelis atrocities were in defense for the most part.

I do completely agree with you in regard to allowing mass immigration. By the way, infiltrating the enemy and attacking from within is a strategy addressed in the Koran.