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Posted: October 10th, 2009, 8:42 pm
by dannygraves
ya, we've got plenty of those. I found one in the middle of a street one time all freaked out and a stupid friend of mine wanted to help it and move it off the road... that was a bad idea, those are some mean little fuckers with some sharp fucking teeth!

Posted: October 10th, 2009, 8:58 pm
by CR500R7
YEAH my mate had one in a cupboard and he said about shifting it, I said just leave it because of the teeth and the bloody sharp claws. :lol:

Posted: October 10th, 2009, 11:10 pm
by roost251
What are you really trying to do? look ripped and big or have more endurance and be fit for moto? they are kind of the opposite end of the spectrum. For moto style you want to train like a triathelete or boxer and build up your endurance, lose the fast but not gain too much mass. If you want to be a bodybuilder, cardio and endurance will not matter as much and the focus will be much different. I have wanted to work out for so long and get fit. Well after so many years of not doing it I ran out of excuses, put down the bong and have started training. I just want to be the best moto head and as fit as I can. Diet is paramount. you wil have to cook more for yorself and pack your own lunches. There are alot of good resources on the web. supplements will not make up for a shit diet and there is more to it than just taking 1. as you learn more you willl see that there are so many supplements that you can take but it is very important that you take them at the right time in the right combo etc etc. Start with nutrition first, kep track of what you eat daily. when you eat etc, that plays a big factor in how you can workout and how your body recovers. Cut out as much refined sugar as you can, lose the fat, dont eat anything fried and drink plenty of water all the time. The great thing about having a good diet is being able to splurge every once in a while like BBQ or some bomb ass tacos, as a reward. Good luck danny.

Posted: October 11th, 2009, 6:25 am
by Roostius_Maximus
dude last winter the fox sqirrels got into a wooden bin of ours and stated eating the barley, those things were as big as cats! I had a pet red squirrel when i was 13 or so. it'd sit on your shoulder and walk arround with ya, slept in an old slipper + never spent a day in a cage

Posted: October 11th, 2009, 2:55 pm
by NightBiker07
best way ive found to bulk up is 3 sets of 10. by the third set, you should really be pushing yourself, and in between, say, bench sets you do something else like curls.

Posted: October 12th, 2009, 2:37 am
by xtremeslide
Best way to be fit is runnning,swimming and doing exercices

with the weight of your own body,a good diet is a must....

i agree with Roostius...don't eat shit

have you seen this guys in the olimpic games?

they can broke the neck of all the bodybuilders

if they were trained in fight,and they could do 30 minutes

of motocross with a CR500-AF if they were trained in bike racing

this kind of trainning plus running and lots of fresh meat could make a

normal guy a "human-high torque-machine LOL "

Now see the video and think what you want,keep telling yourself lies