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Posted: February 17th, 2009, 9:16 am
by dannygraves
britincali wrote:
dannygraves wrote::lol:
ok, cool.
was probably one of the kids, you know how kids can be :lol: well, hopefully it gets put to good use.

Jesus H danny, read the first post on this page :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:oops: missed that one...oops

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 9:24 am
by dannygraves
AlisoBob wrote:
I wadded it up pretty good, tore my right titty off on the turn signal... Friggin' Hurt! Graves in laughing his ass off..... I wasent.

About 500 yards later, I accidently kick it into gear.. instand rear wheel lockup... there goes my left titty in to the triple clamp. Again Graves howls...... Fucker.
sorry about your tits, but that shit was damn funny to watch!
Brit had a near life threatning injury when his foot slipped off his kicker, and it rubbed up against his boot. He was almost "Life-Fighted" out, but somehow found the stregnth to remain with the group. What a trooper. No wonder the Germans got their asses handed to them in WWII.
dude, I was standing next to him when he did that and started laughing at that one until he showed me his leg later :shock: Dude, Brit, seriously post pics of that, it was disgusting!

but yeah, everyone was cool and got along, even some I thought wouldn't like shanman and bigd, I was really stoked to see what happened there, Shan :cool: hoons putting the past behind them :wink:

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 9:27 am
by ShanMan
that's a damned fine looking family right there! :headbang:

Thanks to one and all for a fine welcome back...glad I was able to lead the "kiddy ride" not once, but twice after being gone for so long....LOL.

Danny...I actually felt pretty good...surprisingly. I would have ridden Sunday for sure but I lost my trailer privaledges and the bike stayed in the garage. I will probably be the better for it actually.

I am no expert by any means, but I have to say that many hoons really looked to be much improved over the last time you all came good on ya for getting faster! Maybe next year the whole lot of us goes out and does the shelf trail....that would be an excellent "right-of-passage" ride as Bob suggests. He get's to say it too, because we took him on it two years ago, and he did great! Time to deflower a few more virgins...

My sincerest thanks to the Lewis clan, the Higginson clan and the Al's Pals crew for being hospitable...and for all the great stories and commradery from the Montana, Nevada and Cali guys are all good peeps! lastly, I too had past indescretions with certain people, and this weekend made all that go away indefinitely......a hoon is a hoon and hoons stick together in my world.

Now then.....Kennedy Meadows??? :lol:

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 9:35 am
by dannygraves
ShanMan wrote: Now then.....Kennedy Meadows??? :lol:
when? :wink: Andy (hoofarted) wants to make a trip there around labor day, I think.

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 9:37 am
by hoofarted
dannygraves wrote:
ShanMan wrote: Now then.....Kennedy Meadows??? :lol:
when? :wink: Andy (hoofarted) wants to make a trip there around labor day, I think.
Was wanting to do it on Memorial Weekend.

I heard that grade is murder on your brakes though....

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 9:38 am
by dannygraves
hoofarted wrote:
dannygraves wrote:
ShanMan wrote: Now then.....Kennedy Meadows??? :lol:
when? :wink: Andy (hoofarted) wants to make a trip there around labor day, I think.
Was wanting to do it on Memorial Weekend.

I heard that grade is murder on your brakes though....
Bob, why don't we have a vagina emoticon yet? :lol:

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 9:43 am
by AlisoBob
dannygraves wrote: Bob, why don't we have a vagina emoticon yet? :lol:
We do....


Posted: February 17th, 2009, 9:48 am
by AlisoBob
ShanMan wrote: My sincerest thanks to the Lewis Clan
I forgot to mention that Jay even loaned me some riding pants, as I spaced out ... and left mine home.


Posted: February 17th, 2009, 10:03 am
by lewisclan
hoofarted wrote:
dannygraves wrote:
ShanMan wrote: Now then.....Kennedy Meadows??? :lol:
when? :wink: Andy (hoofarted) wants to make a trip there around labor day, I think.
Was wanting to do it on Memorial Weekend.

I heard that grade is murder on your brakes though....
last year it opend the weekend after not sure about this year

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 10:05 am
by lewisclan
AlisoBob wrote:
dannygraves wrote: Bob, why don't we have a vagina emoticon yet? :lol:
We do....


Posted: February 17th, 2009, 10:08 am
by britincali
AlisoBob wrote:
ShanMan wrote: My sincerest thanks to the Lewis Clan


Fukin aye!!!!!!

Thanks for the food, the bed, the toilet, the beer.... Shit thanks for making this trip possible J :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 10:42 am
by lewisclan

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 10:50 am
by Hellbear
AlisoBob wrote:
dannygraves wrote: Bob, why don't we have a vagina emoticon yet? :lol:
We do....

I am what I eat so what can I say. :P

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 11:03 am
by AlisoBob
Larry.... I honestly cant remember the last time you rode.....


Posted: February 17th, 2009, 11:55 am
by Hellbear
AlisoBob wrote:Larry.... I honestly cant remember the last time you rode.....

Me either damnit. I just haven't really had the time or money to get out lately. Plus I have been having to work on weekends for this damn Abu Dhabi job. :(

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 12:57 pm
by dannygraves
:cry: get out and ride mang!

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 1:51 pm
by lewisclan
We had a heck of a time getting out to the ride site we blew 3 tires on the trailer I guess we where overloaded again, its time for a new set of wheels & tires.
We where holding 200gal of water 60 gal of gas and not enough Rum.
Made it home with out a problem.

It was a well ran outing everyone seemed to have a great time on the rides as well in camp, my 2 sons went out with AP, CR Scott & Paul Friday they said it was the best ride of the weekend. 2nd would be the 1st ride Saturday. Chance got broke off by AP on sat he was almost dead when he was back at camp. LB (James) did a good job and sure liked heading out on the rides. I road sweeper on most rides so I didn’t slow others down I had a really great time on the ride Bike destroyer lead on Sunday she is totally one of the smoothest riders that is when I seen her leading us (like on switch backs and stuff like that ) Thanks Brenda .

We want to thank all the AZ peeps for inviting us out and showing us around we had a blast, as well as seeing all the guys I ride with in and around the sand box. I would have liked to have rode with the hillbillies but couldn’t have made it to far with those guys so I road the kiddy rides as well, we had a few bike breakdowns and have some work to do on 2 of em when I find time.

Thanks again to all our friends that make these events worth attending, even if I didn’t ride just hanging out in camp the fellowship with these guys was 2nd to none.

Sorry to those guys that could not make it I hope that you’ll be there next year

The Clan

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 1:57 pm
by AlisoBob
lewisclan wrote:LB (James) did a good job and sure liked heading out on the rides.
James is my new wingman.... We had an awesome ride Sunday...

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 2:05 pm
by Hellbear
Sounds like it was a really good time had by all.

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 2:11 pm
by dannygraves
AlisoBob wrote:
lewisclan wrote:LB (James) did a good job and sure liked heading out on the rides.
James is my new wingman.... We had an awesome ride Sunday...
James kicks ass :headbang:
too bad bump-and-go doesn't work well when the people in the back haven't even started their bikes yet :lol:

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 2:33 pm
by AlisoBob
dannygraves wrote:[...too bad bump-and-go doesn't work well when the people in the back haven't even started their bikes yet :lol:
WTF did you shut it off?


Its time to go!!!

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 2:41 pm
by dannygraves
I didn't I was right behind you and James, no one was behind me! I stopped to wait at that one turn all bump-and-go style and no one ever came. I headed back and brit and mfdb had just left the last stop. then I headed back the way you guys went and we couldn't find you guys. Would have been fine if I had known no one was even following :lol:

Posted: February 18th, 2009, 10:16 am
by AlisoBob
ShanMan wrote:By the way...which boon walked off with that ignition cover? Hmmmmmmm......fess up...
I didnt see anyone "walk off" with it... I saw it being passed around while we were talking about how it wasnt given away as planned around the campfire the night before.

I thought it was sorta' tossed out right then and there that it was up for grabs, to whoever wanted it.

It was taken away from Brit, cuz his bike dosent deserve something so nice, and it ended up in Stoffers hands..... in full view of everyone, and he walked over and placed in in his toolbox.

If anyone thinks Paulie took it, I'm sure he will return it.

Paul is a straight up Hoon.

Posted: February 18th, 2009, 10:36 am
by lewisclan
AlisoBob wrote:
ShanMan wrote:By the way...which boon walked off with that ignition cover? Hmmmmmmm......fess up...
I didnt see anyone "walk off" with it... I saw it being passed around while we were talking about how it wasnt given away as planned around the campfire the night before.

I thought it was sorta' tossed out right then and there that it was up for grabs, to whoever wanted it.

It was taken away from Brit, cuz his bike dosent deserve something so nice, and it ended up in Stoffers hands..... in full view of everyone, and he walked over and placed in in his toolbox.

If anyone thinks Paulie took it, I'm sure he will return it.

Paul is a straight up Hoon.
thanks Bob that needed to be said

Posted: February 18th, 2009, 10:45 am
by britincali
AlisoBob wrote:
If anyone thinks Paulie took it, I'm sure he will return it.

Paul is a straight up Hoon.

100% solid :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

I still think that cover would have looked bitchin on the dunes bike :(