Obama's tax plan

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Post by AlisoBob »

Thanks Mike...[/list]
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Post by iggys-amsoil »

redrocket190 wrote:...back to the original topic:

Obama’s Warped View on Taxes

“I think we’ve got to take a look and see where the economy is. I mean, the economy is weak right now.”
Such double talk. They already know where it is, in the toilet. It has to be double digit inflation. TT and I were just talking about our pistons have gone up $40. :shock: :x

The TWO Mexican families across the street have just moved out before that they bought a Big screen TV, new wheels for there Accord, and it looks like they have left the dog behind. Now I have to call animal control to make sure the dog is ok. :? However there is still an Expedition and a Camray in the driveway so I'll give them a few more days first.
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Post by AlisoBob »

Bush doing a good job????

By BRETT J. BLACKLEDGE and EILEEN SULLIVAN, Associated Press Writers

WASHINGTON - The United States remains "dangerously vulnerable" to chemical, biological and nuclear attacks seven years after 9/11, a forthcoming independent study concludes. And a House Democrats' report says the Bush administration has missed one opportunity after another to improve the nation's security.

The recent political rupture between Russia and the U.S. only makes matters worse, said Lee Hamilton, the former Indiana Democratic congressman who helped lead the 9/11 Commission and now chairs the independent group's latest study.

Efforts to reduce access to nuclear technology and bomb-making materials have slowed, thousands of U.S. chemical plants remain unprotected, and the U.S. government continues to oppose strengthening an international treaty to prevent bioterrorism, according to the report produced by the bipartisan Partnership for a Secure America.

The group includes leaders of the disbanded 9/11 Commission, the bipartisan panel that investigated government missteps before the 2001 terror attacks on the United States.

"The threat of a new, major terrorist attack on the United States is still very real," concludes the report to be released Wednesday, the same day a congressional commission will hold a hearing in New York on nuclear and biological terrorism threats.

"A nuclear, chemical or biological weapon in the hands of terrorists remains the single greatest threat to our nation. While progress has been made in securing these weapons and materials, we are still dangerously vulnerable," the report said.

Congressional Democrats, meanwhile, had harsher criticism of the Bush administration's efforts. Their report, written by the staffs of the House Homeland Security and Foreign Affairs committees, found little or no progress across the board on national security initiatives.

"The Bush administration has not delivered on a myriad of critical homeland and national security mandates," the Democrats' report states. That report was being released Tuesday.

"The administration has just failed to act in so many ways," said Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss. "Let's say that we've been fortunate that we have not been attacked" since 2001, said Thompson, who chairs the House Homeland Security Committee.

The independent report focuses narrowly on weapons of mass destruction.

The report and supporting studies describe the failure of international cooperation to prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons of mass destruction, which they call a major problem. Many countries continue to ignore a United Nations mandate to prevent the spread of weapons; the ability of many countries to monitor potential bioterrorism is "essentially nonexistent," and dangerous chemical weapons stockpiles remain in some countries, including Russia and Libya, the report said.

Russia has been a significant player in U.S. efforts to secure nuclear weapons and to eliminate inventories of chemical weapons in the former Soviet region. That cooperation could be jeopardized as the two countries face off over the Russian invasion of Georgia and concerns about a U.S. missile defense base in Poland, Hamilton said.

Bush on Monday Bush on canceled a civilian nuclear cooperation deal with Russia.

"The things we do to penalize Russia will make it more difficult for us to deal with Russia on other matters," Hamilton said.

State Department spokesman Robert Wood said he hasn't seen the report. But he said there have been a number of successes in recent years, including negotiations to dismantle North Korea's nuclear program and Libya's agreement to end its nuclear and chemical weapons program.

"We have been engaged multilaterally with a number of countries to deal with this issue of weapons of mass destruction," Wood said.

Wood said he also has not seen the Democrats' report. "I fundamentally reject the charge that the administration has made the world less safe from terrorism," he said.

House Democrats also blasted Bush policy in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia as damaging to national security. U.S. efforts to combat terrorists in Pakistan have suffered because of "unyielding support for a military dictator"; Iraq has drained resources from the fight in Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia continues to serve "as a major source of terrorist activity," the Democrats' report states.

The independent study, however, did credit the Bush administration with progress in a number of areas. It cited improved U.S. port security, reduction of military chemical stockpiles, increased U.S. funding for securing nuclear weapons sites in Russia and new international programs aimed at preventing crimes involving biological weapons.


On the Net:

Partnership for a Secure America: http://www.psaonline.org/

House Committee on Homeland Security: http://homeland.house.gov/

House Committee on Foreign Affairs: http://foreignaffairs.house.gov/
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Post by bigpower »

I wouldn't worry bout it too much........

Do you really think that the people in this country would vote for a boofer.

Especially in the south
Kalkaska, the inbred capital of Michigan. ....a place you can walk into the greeting card aisle and find one that reads "Happy Birthday Uncle Dad"
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Post by quantum500 »

dynodave wrote:
redrocket190 wrote:
dynodave wrote: Yes, Bush is a spend-a-haulic....but HE and only HE has kept the USA safe. That's what matters most! McCain/Palin ARE talking about SMALLER government.
It doesn't get any more speciic than this:

"the fact remains that there have been no attacks in your town since 9/11"
Ok cheap shot time. How many attacks have there been before Mr. George W.? Remember the attacks on the world trade center happened while he was on watch. If you look at historical data he is the weakest president ever at defending the people while at the same time the best at making untold billions (there is that word again) of profit for some people that he is very cozy with, and doing things that are the most questionable acts a president has every done when measured against the constitution. Your defense past tense isn't worth a shit unless you use it pre tense.
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Post by quantum500 »

slomas wrote:WWIII.... who do you think it will be with?

also... WWWIII is a name given to a "war" by someone high in the food chain, I'm not sure due to public hysteria, that that name will ever get used.
You're kinda cryptic with the WWWIII. Tell us more if its not a typo.
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Post by lewisclan »

suck (word)
Image"the game of life of is not so much in holding a good hand as playing a poor hand well"
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