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Posted: June 14th, 2008, 11:12 am
by AlisoBob
The clutch cover ( in its current state) adds 250cc of oil to the tranny...


Posted: June 14th, 2008, 3:43 pm
Oh you guys were just looking for some engine covers? I should have took a peek at this sooner before you went through all this trouble. Service Honda sells a set that says, "Honda Racing". :lol:


Of course I'm just goofing...but I put my ballistic plate carrier on in case one of you is going to shoot me anyways. :m16: :hiding:

Posted: June 14th, 2008, 6:11 pm
by ShanMan
LOL! :buddies:

Posted: June 14th, 2008, 9:07 pm
by jbird_710
I'm good for 2 sets! :headbang:

Posted: July 7th, 2008, 12:29 pm
by ShanMan
OK guys, time to get serious :wink: . I need to confirm orders for 10 sets to make this happen. I am working pricing for both bare covers and anodized covers. I am leaning towards leaving the script the way it is because one: I like it, and tow: I have not been given any feedback telling me to change it. (side note: DG wants script, Bob wants a different scheme, but it would cost a bit more).

Anyway, please review the following images and then let's use this thread as a confirmation of who is really interested, and who is not. Assume for now the price is $150 for the clutch cover and $125 for the ignition cover unfinished. I may get them all hard anodized in clear, which winds up a gun-metal color, and it may not rise the price (we'll see). BTW: not shown is the small relief on the clutch cover towards the rear required to clear the kicker (per Bob's feedback).

<EDIT> My machinist tells me that he is having to pay more for material these days (go figure). That said, we are looking at covers that will cost $150 for the clutch cover & $175 ignition side. Is anyone still interested at those prices??? If so, chime in now please

I'll expect to take 33% deposits via PayPal for those that want them once this finializes. Until then, dig these:







Posted: July 7th, 2008, 1:34 pm
Would there be any price diffrence for unscripted non anodized ones? I like them but not a fan of the scripting.. However the 1/2 litre thumper eater is funny after taking 5 min to figure out what it said on bobs bike lol..

Posted: July 7th, 2008, 2:35 pm
by ShanMan
Good question. Short answer is no, unfortunately. The script really doesn't drive the cost too much, as it is a rather quick operation for the CNC machine. The cost is being driven by the size of the parts and the billet stock we start from, and all the detailed work to cut the o-ring and gasket grooves on the back side which means a second setup.

I'm not sure how others will feel, but to me, $150 is pretty pricey to get a plain Jane billet clutch cover that has nothing on it and no protective finish.

I will say this however, we can change the script on the clutch side to whatever the majority decides. I think at this point most guys are thinking the ignition cover is good-go as-is.

Posted: July 7th, 2008, 3:12 pm
the added capacity is a bennifit and the 150+ is right on par with some of the other annodized covers i have seen.. Look at SFB they are pricey as well.. As much as i dont like the Boyseen factory ones on my bike and would like a set of clean ones i dont think i can justify the cost.. just my 2 cents others may think diffrent..

Posted: July 7th, 2008, 3:29 pm
by ShanMan
agreed...except for one significant point related to strength. The Boysen one's are cast from A356 al aly and are very thin walled. They will not take a very big hit. These billet covers are pretty much bullet-proof.

Couple that fun fact with the added capacity, and the true uniqueness of script (whatever it may be) that proclaims THIS site, I think the cost can be justified for some fairly easily.

Bear in mind as well that I cannot compete with an entity (i.e. SFB or SH) that can afford to do a run of 100+ pieces to keep their costs down. These are truly custom covers for which I have done all the engineering for free...not unlike the conversion kits & pieces I have done previously. The buyer either "gets" it or they don't, but I am not now nor will I ever go into debt for this stuff, despite the expectation from many (not you, but MANY others). I do this stuff for fun and to hook up my fellow hoons...pure and simple. I make ZERO on any of this stuff. Seriously.

Posted: July 7th, 2008, 3:32 pm
that there is a true hoon.. :D If i had the skills to do what your doing i would do the same thing :D I have the machinist just not the skills to cad something up to be useable..

Posted: July 7th, 2008, 3:35 pm
by ShanMan
Likewise, if I had a CNC at my disposal, I would be building turn-key bikes not unlike TTM.

Posted: July 7th, 2008, 9:06 pm
What kind of turn around from time of pre-order till time of product shipment? I would like a set of these but if its going to be a while that would give me time to save up for it :D I would probably have some other design for the banned side.. but the 1/2 litre thumper eater would be the same.. maybe a diffrent font so you could read it better.

Posted: July 8th, 2008, 6:52 am
by lewisclan
Ill take 1-clutch side
how do I pay ya bro

Posted: July 8th, 2008, 8:09 am
by ShanMan
ISBB wrote:What kind of turn around from time of pre-order till time of product shipment? I would like a set of these but if its going to be a while that would give me time to save up for it :D
I need to get confirmation for 10 of each before my machinist will do the run. So, to answer the question, I am guessing it might take a week or two to get 10 firm orders. At that point I will ask for the deposits and then it will be about 2 weeks to get the parts done.


So far, I have Jay down for one clutch side cover. I will wait for the others to "officially" chime in.

Posted: July 9th, 2008, 7:23 pm
by lewisclan
so its looking like I want 2 clutch sides

Posted: July 11th, 2008, 10:44 am
by AlisoBob
Clutch side, perferable black anodized, then engraved.

I would get a stator side, but the TTM Stator takes its own cover.....


I LOVE your stator cover Shan.....

Posted: July 16th, 2008, 6:47 am
by ShanMan
OK guys, here's the deal. I have 10 pieces of each made. The ignition side is exactly as you have seen it. The clutch side is currenly blank. Sooooo, now is the time to offer up any suggestions regarding script or logo. I want to do these covers specific to the Banned site, and I also need to be able to sell all 10 pieces, so I really need to hear back from you guys as to your preferences.

I will be able to do covers with different artwork after the first run, but the first 10 should be for the Banned members in my opinion. Also, if I were to get them anodized, would you all prefer hard-anodize in black, or clear (which actually gomes out gun-metal gray) or simply left natural and you guys can do whatever you want. For the first run of 10, there will be no impact on cost, BTW.

Please give me some feedback NOW so I can get these finished up.

$175 for the ignition side and $150 for the clutch shipping.



Posted: July 16th, 2008, 9:21 am
by teemtrubble
Shanon you can count me in for a clutch cover no finish.

Posted: July 16th, 2008, 9:41 am
by Ported&Polished
I'll take an ignition cover please, no anodizing, I want to polish it.

Posted: July 16th, 2008, 6:24 pm
by AlisoBob
Dont forget that the CR500 and CR250 share the same clutch cover ..... up until 1998 I think?

something like that......


Posted: August 1st, 2008, 9:42 am
by ShanMan
that's a great point Bob. That got me to thinking, would everyone prefer I drop the Banned script and do something like an HRC or CR500 specific logo? I have nine clutch covers with no script yet. I want to sell all nine, so tell me what you guys want...PLEASE! :D



Posted: August 1st, 2008, 10:04 am
by teemtrubble
I personally would like a plain one no finish no script where do I send the money?

Posted: August 1st, 2008, 10:23 am
by teemtrubble
I just paypaled you Shan it was good talking to you. Thanks

Posted: August 1st, 2008, 10:58 am
by ShanMan
you too go send Guido to "collect"!

Posted: August 1st, 2008, 12:24 pm
by teemtrubble
"Guido" sqauts to pee compared to my family...

Here's a good one I'll tell the Pentagon "You better pay me or I'll go out of business and then you'll never have to pay me!"

Shit that's not that funny...