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Posted: December 23rd, 2010, 6:12 pm
by AlisoBob
fkmf6 wrote:....the cheapest quote i have had is 25k. it yourself.

:roll: x 491

Posted: December 23rd, 2010, 6:12 pm
by fkmf6
AlisoBob wrote:$16K for a dirtbike is retarded

$130k+ for a Chevy Silverado is even more retarded ... +1713++401
I dont think you understand how hard it is for us aussies here, new s/h there is 9500, here after freight- customs - tax- and bike shop margin they are 16k, and i totally agree thats retarded. 65% more than what you pay for one. as for the zr1 corvette 150% more than what you can buy one for, and your telling me 16k is too much for a service honda brand new, no one in australia can build me one for under 25k new. forget second hand, not in my books buddy. even to buy one new there and freight it here will still cost me 14k so for the piece of mind i would rather walk into a showroom and buy new off the floor.

Posted: December 23rd, 2010, 6:41 pm
by scooter5002
You can buy a brand new motor from S/H and import it. That's the part you really want new. Buy a roller and build your own. Hell I'll GIVE you a stock PJ and pay postage to Oz. Lots of hoons over there who I'm sure would love to impart their wisdom on you. Just sayin.... Whole lot cheaper than gettin' FUCKED at a dealer. That's nasty!

Posted: December 23rd, 2010, 7:41 pm
by alcrook26
scooters dead right. Get a brand new engine from s/h and we can give you a hand finding the right bike and people to help convert it. im no welder, but if i was to do it again i wouldnt buy a rolling frame from MPS but buy a near new bike, and manage the build, outsourcing when i needed to. You can do alot of it youself. IT CAN BE DONE, and for a shitload less than 20-25k.

Posted: December 24th, 2010, 1:54 am
by gregrobo
jim i bought a second hand crf250 and a good second hand motor in a bike that i could test ride and after the conversion the only thing to go wrong with my bike is torn up tires i have ridden the shit out of it over the last 2 years and it is the most reliable bike i have owned due for a piston in the new year i have a 01 cr 250 roller conversion that is for sale next year. greg

Posted: December 24th, 2010, 8:31 am
by Boise Synthetics 95
A bike is only new until you roll it out of the truck

Posted: December 24th, 2010, 8:52 am
by AlisoBob
One crash, and all the magic leaks out.

Posted: December 25th, 2010, 2:51 am
by bearorso
alcrook26 wrote:scooters dead right. Get a brand new engine from s/h and we can give you a hand finding the right bike and people to help convert it. im no welder, but if i was to do it again i wouldnt buy a rolling frame from MPS but buy a near new bike, and manage the build, outsourcing when i needed to. You can do alot of it youself. IT CAN BE DONE, and for a shitload less than 20-25k.
At $6190.00, I think most people would pass on that. Especially after seeing the inside of another blokes here (2strokesforever?) SH bike. I Could see paying that much if it were put together by a fantastic mechanic (if you want to see big dollars for single cylinder MC engine builds / maintenance, check out the fees paid by GP and Pro level Speedway riders :shock:), with surgical precision, perfectly blue printed And with modern modifications / parts / porting to your specs (all the previous with limits obviously), but not when they appear to be put together with no real care or attention to detail.

Posted: December 25th, 2010, 7:16 am
by scooter5002
It is a lot of money to spend, but buying new is a good way to go for piece of mind. I can't attest to the quality of SHs assembly so I will have to take your word on it. I know I called Honda of Troy few years back about buying a new motor and they were 4 grand cheaper. The motor came in a cardboard box and it was a D.I.Y. project. Perfect! I haven't called them back to see about a price change ( I've heard very recently they are in bankruptcy protection) but it would seem to me that SH pulled a fast one there. 4 grand difference? WTF? It wouldn't suprise me to find out SH bought up all the motors they could knowing they could lock up the market once parts dry up. Seems to me 2011 will be the last year Honda is required to supply parts for the 500 in North America. Lets hope they continue to do so. I was fortunate to have a good used bike to start with, but if you are building your "dream" bike, maybe err on the side of caution. Just to eliminate the bullshit.

Posted: December 25th, 2010, 12:02 pm
by AlisoBob
I think the $6k advertised price is a tax thing, to reduce the amount of profit in the bike that Uncle Sam sees.

The price literally doubled overnight, but none of the individual pieces had a price change.

As far as piece of mind.... Brit rode a CR500 through the AZ desert with a circlip banging around and destroying his head, a failed tranny, and a cracked piston...

Never knew a thing was wrong...

Buy a used runner for $1500, take it apart to magnaflux the tranny, throw a clutch basket, a water pump shaft, and a new piston in it... and for $2k you have everything a new motor has, plus a whole steelie roller to sell off.

My shortblock is 13 years old... theres not much to go wrong.

$6k S/H motors are for web-riders.

Posted: December 25th, 2010, 12:14 pm
by pstoffers
Just because something is NEW don't mean you wont have problems. I bought a $50K truck that with in 2000 miles was back in the shop and I was walking to work to pay for the truck that was in the shop :twisted:

Posted: December 25th, 2010, 12:29 pm
by robfromga
20k for a AF? forget that! You could buy a roller, buy the welder, take the welding class and still come out less.

Posted: December 25th, 2010, 1:28 pm
by 100hp honda
he wants new so leave him be. obviously has more money than us. let him spend it where he wants :lol:

Posted: December 25th, 2010, 3:31 pm
by nmdesertrider
Yup- just buy the SH if that's what you want. Nothing wrong with that.

Posted: December 25th, 2010, 4:30 pm
by redrocket190
If you have more money than time, buy a Service Honda. If you have more time than money, build it yourself. If I had a do-over I would buy a bike to ride in the meanwhile, while I found a donor frame and engine. I would have the fab work done professionally and I would re-build the engine from the ground up. When I bought mine I had some cash that was unexpected and 3 vintage restorations on the go in parallel. Your circumstances may vary and anything that makes you happy is just fine with me.

Posted: December 25th, 2010, 5:52 pm
by AlisoBob
Yea Mike, I agree with you... but you also paid a fair price for yours..not $30k.

Posted: December 25th, 2010, 6:41 pm
by fkmf6
100hp honda wrote:he wants new so leave him be. obviously has more money than us. let him spend it where he wants :lol:
I dont have more money fellas, if you guys notice most of you yanks are replying to this thread cause over there you can purchase whatever you want from your local seven eleven. Population yanks 400million, aussies 22million we on average pay double to you yanks so if icould could build one for 5k like most of you I would. Over here in australia their rare like hens teeth I cant build a bike dont have the time or patience. To get someone to build a new bike 25k+ buy new s/h 15k to me thats a bargain. Maybe you yanks should come to australia and see what we have to deal with, just look on ebay au and search things u know what is worth and then see what we pay for it, rest my case. Thanking everyone for their comments and opinions even ones that had nothing to do with the thread.

Posted: December 25th, 2010, 10:46 pm
by bearorso
As I've written before, with regards to having an OZ distributor for SH bikes, 'beware of what you wish for"

The distributor needs to make money ( and , with a lot of experience with dealing with US business, I doubt they get much of a margin / price discount from SH) to stay in business. And , they probably bought stock when our dollar was much weaker than it is now. So they cost a motza. Not far off the price of a 'Berg 570 here in OZ - Oh, hang on, they just dropped the price of those by 3 grand here, how would you feel about that if you'd paid full wedge for a 570??? :cry: :shock: .

Heck, if some financial pundits are right, and we do out value the US dollar and end up with an exchange rate of $1.26 US to $1 OZ ( doubtful, I think, but you never know), we may end up paying less in numeric terms than US SH customers.

The 'loose crate' pricing mentioned by someone above would be the go if you must have a new engine ( and I respect the desire for that) , you could then assemble it to perfection, if it still exists.

Seriously, did Shaggy really quote what someone posted earlier?

We just don't get the incredible range of fucked up CRFs you blokes have access to, Or the tiny prices they go for. Unlike many that foam at the mouth at the mention of 4ts, I'm stunned at how stupid someone must be to so comprehensively destroy an 09 450, like the one Britincali found (why does everyone pick on him???? - oh hang on, he's a Pom, fair enough..... :wink: ). Some people should not be allowed to own any sort of machinery, it seems. I thought the leg out of the bed might be down to some drongo not realizing that the bike had separate oil compartments, but the condition of the basket and hub might mean it was owned by some drug addled twirp that didn't even realize that the engine needed oil, be it in 1 or 2 compartments :bash:

Posted: December 26th, 2010, 10:14 am
by britincali
bearorso wrote:, I'm stunned at how stupid someone must be to so comprehensively destroy an 09 450, like the one Britincali found (why does everyone pick on him???? - oh hang on, he's a Pom, fair enough..... :wink: ). Some people should not be allowed to own any sort of machinery, it seems. I thought the leg out of the bed might be down to some drongo not realizing that the bike had separate oil compartments, but the condition of the basket and hub might mean it was owned by some drug addled twirp that didn't even realize that the engine needed oil, be it in 1 or 2 compartments :bash:

The oil left in the motor looked fresh, I think the guy just ran the piston way past its service limit, it rocked in the bore and took out the rod which did all the damage. The piston is WEDGED in the bore hardcore and it barely touched the head when it let go.

Posted: December 26th, 2010, 10:15 am
by britincali
Oh and being a "pom" in a shitlaod better than being decended from interbreeding theives :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: December 26th, 2010, 10:42 am
by scooter5002
I know very little of Oz, other than what the average person might know. However, being a continent and a population of only 22 mil certainly would be one of the economic factors. In Canada, we face similar issues in that our pop is 35 mil ( probably 25 if you ship back all those useless ragheaded fucks that are taking over) and we have full gov't health care. Free in some provinces, nominal charges in others. Drives up wages and taxes, it's all relative. Certainly the number of bike riders would also be way less, hence the grenaded bikes are fewer and farther between. The market would be a long way from being "flooded" like here, so certainly pricing would an issue to. Another little gem would be trying to support infrastructure in Oz on that population, and support comes from one place. Taxation. Would hazard a guess a big part of pricing over there is taxes, import fees and duty. Going directly into the gov't coffers. We get it here to. I sympathize with your plight. However, I have to wonder what the margin is for the dealers. It's healthy here in Canada, because I've seen the dealers books on unit pricing. The guy showed me, known him for 30+ years. Canadian Honda, Kawi etc dictates pricing. As well as , obviously, dealer cost. In closing , far be it from me to ever tell someone what to do. If you want buy brand new fkmf6, do so and enjoy. My interest was only in trying to help a fellow hoon, and rider, save significant coin. If you go the DIY route, there's lots of guys here to help. I've learned a lot. There's some great ideas here. PS: bearorso, at your earliest convenience, please e-mail me a Aussie to Canadian translation guide, so I can figure out what the fuck you saying sometime. In PDF form if possible. Lol

Posted: December 26th, 2010, 6:34 pm
by bearorso

The old insult about being descendants of thieves just doesn't cut it nowadays. Bugger all of us come from that stock. It's now a status symbol (weird, huh?) to have transported convicts in your family tree. I think they actually shipped more convicts to the US than here before they stopped that practise....

I'm descended from Danish / Swedish / Finnish/ Welsh and Irish stock - a perfect mixture that has created the perfect, pure blood Ranga - the best of the best. I'm so perfectly bred, our (female) Prime Minister wants to have my baby - nooooooooooooooooo...............make the bad woman stop............

You remain, a Pom in Comiefornia (well, I see all the conservatives calling it that all the time). The worst of 2 combinations :wink: When I think of that, I fully understand why everyone picks on you. :P

Posted: December 26th, 2010, 7:05 pm
by AlisoBob
bearorso wrote:I'm descended from Danish / Swedish / Finnish/ Welsh and Irish stock
So your a drunken car thief, who preferes Volvo's?

Posted: December 27th, 2010, 12:36 am
by dubious01
wow, more love here than even my thread... :lol:

Posted: December 27th, 2010, 5:34 am
by bearorso
AlisoBob wrote:
bearorso wrote:I'm descended from Danish / Swedish / Finnish/ Welsh and Irish stock
So your a drunken car thief, who preferes Volvo's?
Almost Got Me In One!

But change the 2 'O's for a U and an A and you'd be closer.

I've never stolen a car........... Hang on, does taking your dads cherished MG hillclimber and / or his various MCs for secret drives / rides from the age of 11 count? Maybe I do have a some convict genes in my background.